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Posts under ‘Commentary’

Facebook: What Exactly is the Big Deal?

Jessica Shawcroft The Paw Print I always hear about how bad Facebook is for you. It brings you down because you’re seeing how other people are living and how great their lives are rather than focusing on your own positives. I’ve seen how it destroys families and also brings people together. Well a new article […]

McDonalds Experiences PR Campaign Failure

Jake Hughes The Paw Print You can always rely on mega fast food chain, McDonalds, to provide material to scrutinize and discuss in terms of public relations. A company such as McDonalds pays particular attention to public relations as it is already in the public eye because of the market it occupies. The reason I […]

There and Back Again: A Student’s Journey

Richard Flamm The Paw Print I’m coming to the end of my under grad degree at Adams State, and let me tell you, I  have been like a ship set upon a briny, angry sea. I still have a semester to go, but it seems good to take a quick inventory before heading back into […]

Project Hedgehog and Your Boyfriend

Alison Bischoff The Paw Print Once a couple becomes comfortable with each other, their time together evolves and becomes something different. Pictures are being taken, inside jokes are being formed, and, in some cases, weddings are being planned. As for me, I’m a little different from most girls, however. Instead of taking adorable selfies with […]

Net Neutrality – Disagreeing with the Top

Jake Hughes The Paw Print After reading up on the issues of net neutrality, I felt a little overwhelmed with some of the ideas, technical terms, and proposals. I continued on to re-read the material hoping to spark up some ideas and thoughts of my own, and I realized, the Internet is a very fickle […]

Crowd Funding: What is it and Should You Do it?

Stacy Davis The Paw Print With the ever-rising costs of higher education tuition, many students are left wondering how they are going to pay for the piece of paper stating they have a Degree when their College and University years are over. Students Loans, Scholarships, and Grant money can only go so far and only […]

The Myth Has Been Lifted

Reuben Chavira The Paw Print We all remember the tall-tales. We all can recall the mythologies and fictions that formed our perceptions of college. We remember the mantras of “knowledge is power” and “if you believe you can achieve.” But how many of us believed? Think back to high school. Did you succeed because you […]

American Healthcare Costs with 70% on Drugs

Corey Daniels The Paw Print A research study by the Mayo clinic showed that 70% of Americans are currently using prescription medication. This same study showed that more than half of Americans are on 2 or more prescription drugs and that 20% are on 5 or more! Also, 26% of the population are on either […]

Spring Break Hits Adams State University

Jessica Shawcroft The Paw Print I remember watching television as a high school student, thinking spring break was the coolest thing ever. T.V. would always bring fantasies about spring break: nice hot vacation destinations, fun in the sun, and always time spent at the beach! I loved the idea of escaping to a beach and […]

A Television Memoir: Lost Shows of Youth

Jake Hughes The Paw Print I have never experienced the heart break of a show I’ve been watching suddenly cancelled; however, I have had to endure a show dear to me being cancelled due to ratings and views going down over a period of time. The television show that I will be conducting my research […] is powered by WordPress µ | Spam prevention powered by Akismet
