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Posts under ‘Commentary’

Heart of La Puente: The Value of a Thank you

Eva Decker La Puente Volunteer La Puente holds a weekly Writer’s Workshop for clients, volunteers, and the community to come and share their stories while gaining feedback and suggestions for their writing. The workshop is taking a short break for the holiday season and will convene after Jan. 1, every Wednesday at 7 p.m. in […]

UN Climate Summit Proves Ineffective in Creating a Climate Plan

Nathan Crites-Herren The Paw Print The annually held United Nations climate summit arrived in Durbin, South Africa this week and quite ironically, the night before the conference record breaking torrential downpours in Durbin claimed the lives of ten people in the bayside city of 3.5 million.  Seven hundred homes were destroyed in the resulting landslide.  […]

EPA Investigates Fracking in Las Animas County

Will Cameron The Paw Print As our great county continues it’s quest to satisfy the insatiable thirst for crude oil and natural gas that has plagued us since the invention of the combustion engine, it’s high time to question the techniques used to acquire these valuable commodities. Since it has long been accepted that we […]

EARTH Group Celebrates America Recycled Day

Jose Orozco The Paw Print Did you happen to see the mound of trash that was in the SUB solarium on Tuesday Nov. 15? It was spread out over a tarp. Each item present could have been recycled, but instead was found in a trash can on campus (sometimes within just a few feet of […]

The Heart of La Puente: How to be a Superhero

Craig Denuyl Volunteer Did you ever wish that you had special powers: the ability to save the world and inspire others?  In the eyes of a child in need, you do have these incredible gifts.  To any of the kids in our community who have faced serious challenges such as homelessness, abuse, or domestic violence; […]

College Checkred: To the Men in My Life, Thank You

Brenda Figueroa The Paw Print To the guy that always keeps things in perspective: Who grounds me when my heart and head go completely haywire during an emotional break down. The man who tells me, “shut the hell up and lets go get a damn beer” during my soapbox speech of how much I hate […]

Quarterback Tebow Continues to Face Criticism

Will Cameron The Paw Print For what feels like the first time in more than a decade, a professional Denver sports team is getting prolific national coverage.  Like it or not, since Tim Tebow has taken over the starting spot at quarterback for the Broncos the media has run wild with contradicting tales of wins […]

Assange and Wiki Leaks: True Freedom of the Press

Nathan Crites-Herren The Paw Print When we examine freedom of press, and the role of media to not only safeguard this principal, but to enhance its practices we find a clear disconnect between this cornerstone principal and the very institutions who are supposed to defend it.  By the late seventies and into the mid-eighties American […]

National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Month

Stephany Nellessen Volunteer As the San Luis Valley begins to look like a delicate Christmas snow globe, as you plan your family’s Thanksgiving feast, as you reminisce over 2011, do not forget about the 3 million people who will go without shelter in the year to come. The National Coalition for the Homeless has officially […]

College Checkered on Novembeard: Time to Man Up

Brenda Figueroa The Paw Print It may seem like a bold statement but I’m willing to say it, November is the best month. I’m sure each and every one of you have your favorite month and you may agree or disagree with my choice but I’m going to explain why November kicks so much ass. […] is powered by WordPress µ | Spam prevention powered by Akismet
