EARTH Group Celebrates America Recycled Day

Jose Orozco
The Paw Print

Did you happen to see the mound of trash that was in the SUB solarium on Tuesday Nov. 15?
It was spread out over a tarp. Each item present could have been recycled, but instead was found in a trash can on campus (sometimes within just a few feet of a recycling bin!). This was the main point that the EARTH group wanted to raise awareness of on that day, celebrated as America Recycles Day.
Also at the table were information sheets that had locations of recycling bins on campus and the City of Alamosa Recycling Center. The info sheet also had simple and effective sustainability tips to help improve our campus.
Adding to the events of the day, Cary Bush of the Creede Recycling Center gave a presentation about recycling opportunities in the San Luis Valley, with particular emphasis on the efforts to establish the center in Creede. Her main focus was on glass, which must currently be driven to the Front Range for recycling.
She mentioned that Colorado has such low participation in glass recycling that glass from Iowa is being shipped to bottlers on the Front Range so they can meet their quota of recycled glass to be used in containers. Part of Bush’s mission is to inform consumers about the myths behind recycling, and how easy and profitable it is to recycle rather than dispose of recyclable materials in dumps.
If you are interested in how to help with these efforts (including possibly starting to recycle glass on campus), please join the EARTH Group the first Tuesday of every month at noon in the Student Life Center of the SUB to see what is happening with sustainability on our campus and the community. If you would like more information you can contact Dr. Marty Jones in the Chemistry Program. He can also be reached by email at is powered by WordPress µ | Spam prevention powered by Akismet
