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Posts under ‘Commentary’

Staying Healthy: Get Your Cool Reflection in the Mirror

Steven Petrov The Paw Print In the modern life that all of us live today our appearance has become hugely important for our interaction with others, as well as for our positive self-perception. We can talk a lot about if this is right or wrong, but we all know deep down in ourselves that seeing […]

Partisan Politics Threatens Financial Security

Jake Hughes The Paw Print The clock is ticking on the Federal Government to figure out how the U.S is going to pay their outstanding bills. Parts of the Government will shut down by the first of October if there isn’t an agreement between the squabbling parties. It isn’t the first time the Federal Government […]

Famous Fireball Run Comes to San Luis Valley

Jessica Shawcroft The Paw Print Did anyone notice all the really cool and famous cars in town this weekend? What about how Main Street was shut down? Well this weekend a television show and charity event called the Fireball run was in town! Famous cars, like the Delorean from Back to the Future were featured […]

Rainy Days of Fall Turn to Torrential Monsoons

Jessica Shawcroft The Paw Print What is up with all this rain! All summer we needed the moisture and now, when growing season is mostly done and we’re settling in for the winter, we get a bunch of storms that drop an impressive amount of rain on our cities and towns! After all the fires […]

Bottled Water is the Greatest Advertising Trick known

Jake Hughes The Paw Print Just like Colorado, seventy percent of the states in the US are in a drought and, in this current climate; water levels are big topic of discussion. In particular, bottled water is the controversial subject matter that is currently manipulating its way onto our shelves and into our environment. A […]

ASU’s Mascot Relative Makes a Fall Visit to Campus

Jessica Shawcroft The Paw Print On Thursday, September 12, 2013 Adams State University had a bear and her cub walking through the campus. These bears weren’t grizzlies but it is fun to think about our mascot coming to visit the college! Maybe they wanted to see how classes were going? Actually, here in Colorado we […]

Is Transportation Becoming More of a Health Hazard

Jessica Shawcroft The Paw Print Trains seem to derail for a number of reasons. Usually it’s because track maintenance lacked, the breaks on the cars were bad, the train was traveling too fast, the engineer fell asleep, the conductor fell asleep, or the weather caused some sort of issue that cannot be overcome. In this […]

Earth Calls on You for Support and Stimulation

Earth Group The Paw Print Adams State’s EARTH Group cordially invites you to ASU’s Volunteer Recruitment Fair on September 18th. We will be selling baked goods to raise funds to help with varying projects, including campus recycling and education. We will also be recruiting volunteers for ASU Cares Day on Sat, Sept. 21st where we […]

What We Didn’t Realize We Learn from our Professors

Jessica Shawcroft The Paw Print ne involving recent graduates and what they feel they learned from their professors. The study focused on the professors that made a difference in the students’ lives, helped them make a hard decision, learn something about their professional life, and enhanced their careers and decisions. The study is posted below. […]

A Dreamer’s Dream of Eternal Life or Pure Madness

Jake Hughes The Paw Print Neuroscience Experts Set their Sights on 2045, and the Possibility of Eternal Life. During a conference at Lincoln Center in New York, some of the world’s most inspiring human masterminds gathered to discuss the possibility of our minds out living our bodies. It sounds like something out of the future […] is powered by WordPress µ | Spam prevention powered by Akismet
