ALAMOSA (April 7) – Adams State University agricultural business students Lane Cox, Cody Johnson, and Tyler Haney attended the state Farm Bureau Young Farmers and Ranchers discussion meet in Denver last November and the national conference in Virginia Beach this February. “I am proud of each of them and feel we, as an institution and […]
Posts from ‘May, 2014’
The Extensive Benefits of a Flexible Body
Cinthya Luna The Paw Print Flexibility is what allows your joints and body parts to perform their full range of motion. People do not realize it, but flexibility is used in every day life and activities. Flexibility helps with the simple tasks such as bending, walking, and lifting. By being flexible, this allows your body […]
Poetry, Prosody and the Passion Language
Reuben Chavira The Paw Print The premise of the presentation was that social emotions are responsible for creating social movements. The presentation itself was essentially a strategy for leveraging prosocial change in an at-risk community. Poetry, Prosody and Passion were discussed as identifiable components of social bodies, significant in their similar functions of conveying social […]
An Eloquently Evolved Form of Communication
Reuben Chavira The Paw Print Throughout human history, societies have frequently undergone tumultuous transformations. From revolutions to conscious evolutions, people inherently yearn for greener pastures, even if they have to pave them themselves. This prosocial behavior that has pushed us onward toward social justice – toward more efficient and economic ways of interacting with each […]