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Posts on ‘February 27th, 2014’

Horoscopes for the Week of February 27th-March 5

Madam Shawcroft The Paw Print Aquarius 01/20-02/18 Mercury forges ahead in your sign as of this week, bringing an opportunity to start projects that had been put on hold. Saturn, your co-ruler, turns retrograde along with Mars, so issues associated with goals and career matters could go through a more trying phase, as could plans […]

Students Around the Globe Benefit from Alvarez’ Dedication to Education

Danielle Quintana                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Adams State Univeristy ALAMOSA (February 20) – From the Philippines, to China, to Alamosa, Dr. Anicia Alvarez spreads inspiration and education across the world. An Adams State University Teacher Education Department Assistant Professor, Alvarez grew up in the Philippines which showed her “what it is like to have and not to have.” She […] is powered by WordPress µ | Spam prevention powered by Akismet
