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Posts Tagged ‘ASU’

Colcannon Will Perform at Adams State

ALAMOSA (February 21) – The Irish music of Colcannon will be in concert at Adams State University. The concert begins at 7 p.m. Friday, March 7, in Leon Memorial Hall. Earlier, a masterclass led by Colcannon members will be held at 2 p.m. in Leon Memorial. The masterclass is free and open to the public. […]

Students Around the Globe Benefit from Alvarez’ Dedication to Education

Danielle Quintana                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Adams State Univeristy ALAMOSA (February 20) – From the Philippines, to China, to Alamosa, Dr. Anicia Alvarez spreads inspiration and education across the world. An Adams State University Teacher Education Department Assistant Professor, Alvarez grew up in the Philippines which showed her “what it is like to have and not to have.” She […]

Adams State Veterans Club Presents Forum

Matthew Martinez The Paw Print All US military veterans are invited to the Adams State University VA forum. The event is from 8 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 26, in the Student Union Banquet Rooms, located at the south end, first floor. The forum will provide an opportunity for all veterans to voice their […]

Nielsen Library Hosts Spanish Trail Presentation

The Adams State University Nielsen Library will host a presentation by Dr. Douglas Knudson on the Old Spanish Trail. The event begins at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 27, in the library second floor lounge. He will discuss his book Characters of the Old Spanish Trail, which profiles some two dozen families and individuals that traveled […]

ASU Summer Registration set for March 17th

ALAMOSA (February 4) – Finish your degree faster with summer classes at Adams State University. New this summer – all students, undergraduate and graduate will pay in-state tuition for summer. This is over 50 percent savings from summer 2013. The reduced tuition rate offers students a great opportunity to progress towards a degree and finish […]

ASU Human Performance Lab Continues Community Testing

ALAMOSA (February 5) – The Adam State University Human Performance and Physical Education Department (HPPE) continues to offer the community a variety of affordable fitness tests. Testing will be located in the Human Performance Lab room 106, located in the East Campus Building. Dr. Tracey Robinson, professor of HPPE, and graduate assistants Clayton Foster and […]

Wall, Smith, Bateman Scholarship Continues to Assist ASU Accounting Students

ALAMOSA (February 6) – Wall, Smith, Bateman Inc. awarded accounting scholarships to the following Adams State University students, Kimberly Crowther, Olivia DeHerrera, Brittany Harlan, Kelly Lamb, Amanda Morrow, Courtney Nesenson, and Kelsey Sellars. Wall, Smith, Bateman Inc. current partners Ron Chapman, Bob Gjellum, Sheila Hicks, Lyle Hood, Mike Hudson, Kimberley Temple, Melanie Valdez, Karla Willschau, […]

Adams State Unveils New Free Mobile App

ALAMOSA (January 21) –Adams State University announces the availability of a free mobile app for iOS and Android devices. In partnership with Ellucian, a leader in developing solutions for higher education, Adams State now offers everyone a way to check campus news, events, map locations, and more from their mobile devices. Students can also securely […]

New STEM Saturday Events Upcoming at ASU

Cindy Bervig The Paw Print ALAMOSA (January 23) – As part of Adams State University and Title V STEM’s ongoing efforts to influence student success in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Programs, STEM Saturdays continue this spring. These free interactive sessions are open to the public and will stimulate the imagination and curiosity of […]

Cyerbullying Speaker to Visit Adams State

ALAMOSA (January 16) – In an effort to raise awareness of cyberbullying and the damage it can cause, the Adams State University Department of Counselor Education hosts “Cyberbullying in Our Children’s Environment,” by Tina Meier, with the Megan Meier Foundation. The free event begins at 6 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 30 in McDaniel Hall room 101. […] is powered by WordPress µ | Spam prevention powered by Akismet
