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Posts under ‘News’

Zuckerberg Seeks New“Friends” and Business Partners

Steven Petrov The Paw Print The creator of Facebook has a clear goal that he has already started working towards accomplishing The 29 year old creator of the absolute sensation of the 21st century, Facebook, knows how important it is for him to create good friendships and establish new business relationships with the right people […]

STEM Saturdays Offers Robot Workshop for Girls

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT Linda Relyea (Communications Office) 719-587-7827 Cindy Bervig (STEM) 719-587-7586 ALAMOSA (February 27) – There are still spots available for the Adams State University STEM Saturday session, “Robotics using Arduinos – for Girls,” by George Sellman, assistant professor of computer science. The session is from 9 a.m. until noon Saturday, April 19 […]

Speaker Address the Silvery Minnow’s Impact in the SLV

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT Linda Relyea (Institutional Advancement) 719-587-7827 Tim Armstrong (Biology Program) 719-587-7211 ALAMOSA (March 3) – Justin Tade, an attorney-adviser with the Department of the Interior’s Southwest Regional Solicitor’s Office will visit the Adams State University campus for a noon lecture, “The Endangered Species Act:  How New Mexico’s Silvery Minnow Might Impact Water […]

P.O.E.T Club Hosts Open Mic Night- Passion Over All

Reuben Chavira The Paw Print Passion. Over. Every. Thing – Passion and creativity were at the forefront this past Sunday night, as the P.O.E.T. Club hosted its first open mic night. “An open mic to open minds,” was the motto for the night of expression and support. It was a time to relax and resist […]

Alamosa FUMC Hosts an LGBTQ Panel to Share Perspectives

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT John Taylor (Theatre Department) 719-587-7382 ALAMOSA (February 27) – In the Supreme Court, state legislatures, churches, and living rooms across America, society is engaged in a dialogue about our beliefs and attitudes about the LGBTQ community. From gay marriage to civil rights, there can be no doubt that change is occurring. […]

Russia Invades Crimea on the Ukraine Peninsula

Jake Hughes The Paw Print Russia has moved troops into a Ukraine territory, Crimea, and has declared they will remain there until the situation is resolved. Russia is said to be protecting Russian interests and citizens. A number of Russian soldiers have surrounded multiple Ukrainian military bases blocking any troops entering or leaving. The military […]

Professor Hilwig Set to Deliver Lecture

During the Adams State University Faculty Lecture, associate professor of sociology Dr. Stephanie Hilwig will deliver “Invisible Sexism: Eradicating What We Don’t See.” The free event begins at 7 p.m. Wednesday, March 5, in Porter Hall room 130. In virtually every field, women earn less than men. This includes women working in the same fields […]

Upcoming Lifeways of the San Luis Valley

Linda Relyea The Paw Print Community members are invited to attend free lectures on the history, culture, and traditions of the San Luis Valley. The Lifeways of the San Luis Valley lectures begin at 6 p.m. in McDaniel Hall room 201. The lectures are sponsored by the Adams State University Title V Hilos Culturales. February […]

Adams State to Celebrate Women’s Week

Linda Relyea The Paw Print Adams State University Tori Vigil ‘15, sociology major, has organized a week of events in celebration of Women’s Week. She said the idea began with wanting “to simply show the film Miss Representation to the community. It quickly grew from there, because of the shared passion regarding the betterment, equality, […]

ASU Professional Development Week Career Fair

The Adams State University Office of Career Services will host a Spring Career Fair for students and alumni. The event will take place from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 27, in the Student Union Building Banquet Rooms. Career Services Coordinator Ed Venegas organized the event. He said students, alumni, and community members are […] is powered by WordPress µ | Spam prevention powered by Akismet
