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Posts under ‘Commentary’

Class Attendance

Ashley Grover Adams State could be famous for its strict policies on attendance and punctuality. But what does a strict enforcement of an attendance policy actually accomplish? Not much of anything. It seems ridiculous that many professors would rather you not come to their class at all than be a couple minutes late. I figure, […]

Some thoughts on Thanksgiving

By Toni Steffens The Thanksgiving holiday most people celebrate is possibly a much different kind of celebration than the first Thanksgiving. The holiday we are familiar with focuses on family coming together and spending time enjoying each others’ company. The food is supposed to take second place after this joy of spending time together as […]

Is Discrimination Bad?

Jessi Swopes South Coloradan Discrimination, with its negative connotations, seems like a loaded topic.  The first ideas that come to mind are prejudices against different races, or genders.  But what does discriminate really mean?  Webster’s Dictionary defines it simply as, “to differentiate or to make a distinction”.  Not only is it not limited to the […]

Drugs on College Campuses

Ashley Grover Alcohol and drug abuse on college campuses is not a new occurrence. College can, and should be an exciting atmosphere but safety must be considered. Alcohol and other drug use is a factor in many accidents, injuries and crime. Surveys at colleges and universities across the country indicate the percentage of students who […]

Women’s Glass Ceiling

*Author Unknown at this time. Some people say women are luckier to be in the United States than anywhere else in the world.  No where else in the world do women have more opportunities and freedoms than they have in the United States.  But is it true?  Two recent reports on gender equality tell a […]


Ashley Grover Trash. Rubbish. Garbage. All that stuff that we as humans throw out can go by many names. Formally speaking, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) labels everything Americans discard as Municipal Solid Waste (MSW). But no matter what you call it, waste is becoming one of the fundamental environmental issues of today.

Day of Reflection

Armando Montano Thursday, October 29th, 2009 will be Adams State College’s annual Day of Reflection, a day dedicated to the students and staff to take a serious look at the current school system they are in and assess how improvements can make it better. While the day has been noted by many students and faculty for […]

ASC Name Change Tabled

James Williams South Coloradan On October 15, 2009, the Adams State College Board of Trustees agreed to defer consideration of a college name change from Adams State College to Adams State University in order for the proposed change to be examined in the context of the college’s strategic planning efforts.

Butchering the Bible

David Mazel South Coloradan Being an English professor is not all grading papers and corrupting the youth. Part of my job is keeping up with the culture, which is not always as fun as it sounds. Yesterday afternoon, for example, found me at to monitor the progress of the Conservative Bible Project.

Quiet Libraries, Socialized Healthcare, and Constitutional Cups of Coffee

Anthony Guerrero It’s been a couple of weeks my friends, and there’s lots to write about.  A couple of weeks ago I wrote an op-ed piece on the deconstruction of the quiet that is traditionally found in public libraries, and criticized our campus library for hosting lunchtime concerts, which feature instrumental music.  There were no […] is powered by WordPress µ | Spam prevention powered by Akismet
