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Posts under ‘Commentary’

Food Bank Grows in Clientele, Contributions Dwindle

Mary Ellen Huss Alamosa Food Bank   Although my undergraduate degree is in Communications and I somehow survived college without taking a statistics class, I have become obsessed with numbers. As a former volunteer in 2009-2010 at the Food Bank Network of the San Luis Valley, I would run our intake tool to figure out […]

Dialogue Increases Awareness of High-Risk Issues

Jose Orozco The Paw Print To the general reading audience and other interested individuals, I would first like to offer my apology for the controversy surrounding my previous article. With that said, I still stand 100 percent behind my piece. First off, I must say that I am honored to know that I was able […]

Gregg Elliott Responds to Last Week’s ASIST Aritcle

Gregg Elliott MA, LPC Counseling Career Services The American Association of Suicidology and the Suicide Prevention Resource Center publishes guidelines for responsible ways that newspapers can report on and discuss the topic of suicide.  This is in recognition that responsible coverage can serve as a protective factor to readers who may be at risk of […]

From Till to Martin, Legacy of Racism Continues

Nathan Crites-Herren The Paw Print   With the forty-fourth anniversary of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on April 4, it once again seems that the racial equality which King and other human rights activists have struggled for is far from a reality in America. Trayvon Martin, a black youth shot dead earlier […]

Hunger Education, Feinstein Challenge Raise Awareness

Stephany Nellessen La Puente Volunteer From April 22 to April 28, La Puente is partnering with the community and with other service agencies in the San Luis Valley to coordinate Hunger Education Week. For more information on how we work to combat hunger in the SLV or how you can get involved, please call La […]

College Checkered: Ever Wondered About Your Impact?

Brenda Figueroa The Paw Print What do you actually contribute in this world? I worry rather than wonder most of the time. Mainly, it’s because I feel like if I haven’t impacted someone or something while being on this planet, regardless of my accomplishments, in someway I have failed some kind of purpose. We all […]

Pledge of Allegiance Not a Tradition on Most College Campuses

Dr. Ed Crowther Chair of History, Government and Philosophy   Today’s readers may be too young to remember police sergeant Joe Friday’s trope: “Just the facts, ma’am,” but getting the facts before making an argument apparently isn’t part of the rhetorical repertoire for Chief of Police Joel Schultz’s missive regarding the Pledge of Allegiance. In […]

College Checkered: Letter Dedicated to You, Wherever You May Be

Brenda Figueroa The Paw Print   Dear YOU, Wonderful, adoring, beautiful, you, I can’t wait until we meet someday. I’m not waiting around in my room for someone like you, I’m out dating, meeting new people, and I guess in a way, growing somewhat before we become something. You see, we’re going to be amazing […]

Obama’s Hypocrisy Grows With Each Drone Attack

Nathan Crites-Herren The Paw Print   Exposing an issue which has been continually marginalized by corporate media, the ACLU is suing the Obama administration under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), seeking to force disclosure of the guidelines used by Obama officials to select which human beings (both U.S. citizens and foreign nationals) will have […]

Spring Break: More Than Just Normal Time Away From School

Kellicia Morse The Paw Print The words Spring Break mean different things to students at Adams State College. It is not just time to stop doing homework and going to classes. Spring Break is a time to be brave and learn life skills hands on. For some, Spring Break was a time to go home […] is powered by WordPress µ | Spam prevention powered by Akismet
