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Posts under ‘Commentary’

Is Thanksgiving America’s Greatest Past Time Holiday

Michelle Vance The Paw Print Have you ever noticed that after Halloween the Christmas decorations and songs start flying out? Did we ever take time to think that there is a very important holiday in between these two widely celebrated holidays? Thanksgiving is that holiday. We all look foreword to it and even get a […]

Is it too Much to Ask that We Achieve Our Dreams

Steven Petrov The Paw Print All of us have once had that one thing that used to be our dream job, career, or experience when we were younger. However, the sad reality is that more than 70% of the people out there never fulfill their dreams and end up at 40 years old with kids, […]

Depression, Anxiety Treatable in College Students

As a follow up to this article from 2011, I’d like to share a link For more information about mental health you can visit

Do Us a Favor and Solve Yourself

Kelsey Dewald The Paw Print As we all know, math is the greatest subject in school. Yes I do consider myself pretty hilarious because I am definitely lying. Math is the worst thing in the world and I despise whoever thought it would be a great subject to put in schools. If math were a […]

A Battle Between the Sexes or Just Stereotyping

Jake Hughes The Paw Print Throughout the ages men and women have sought after superiority and titles about certain characteristics they hold and of course, today is no exception. Some women will say they do all the shopping, while some men will say they are the entertainer out of the couple or family. Well, I […]

Majority of Americans Favor Marijuana Legalization

Jessica Shawcroft The Paw Print For the first time ever, the majority of Americans say they favor legalizing marijuana, as recreational and medical use of the drug gains acceptance across the nation. The poll found that 58 percent of those surveyed favored marijuana legalization, up from 50 percent two years ago. That’s a huge raise […]

Women Sent to Prison After Miscarriages in El Salvador

Steven Petrov The Paw Print The strict catholic dogmas and how they are used as basics of the law Abortion is strictly against the Christian religion and more specifically against the Catholic tradition, with the reasoning that if God has decided to give life, who are we to take it away. This reasoning may seem […]

A Parallel Universe Trapped in Space and Time

Jake Hughes The Paw Print What are dreams exactly?  A dream is a series of images, thoughts, or emotions passing through the mind during your sleep period. There are many reasons people think of why we humans dream the way we do. Ancient societies saw dreams as doorways for sending wisdom from the gods. In […]

Washington Redskins Debate: Racism and Oppression

Nicole Schafer The Paw Print To be called a Washington Redskin, is it racist or not? A redskin, being a slang term for a Native American, could potentially be just a form of pride that this football team takes on. No harm intended. Other’s like myself could find it racist, not by the players but […]

*Ding Ding*, Time to Start an ASU Moving Company

Jessica Shawcroft The Paw Print Did you find moving into your dorm room stressful? Do you despise the day you have to move again? Didn’t it suck lugging your things up three flights of stairs, knowing that in a few months it’s all coming back down? If so, you’re not alone! A Tennessee based company […] is powered by WordPress µ | Spam prevention powered by Akismet
