Do Us a Favor and Solve Yourself

Kelsey Dewald
The Paw Print

As we all know, math is the greatest subject in school. Yes I do consider myself pretty hilarious because I am definitely lying. Math is the worst thing in the world and I despise whoever thought it would be a great subject to put in schools.
If math were a person I would definitely punch he/she in the jugular. I am sure that there are plenty of people that would agree with me and also disagree. We go through elementary, middle, and high school learning math, but is it truly needed?
Yes I understand if the job you want to go into requires math, but think of all the jobs that do not require math. People spend years and years trying to pass a math class with material that you will not use.
So much money goes into something that you will not need unless you are going into a job that involves math. To me this is completely ridiculous. I agree that we must learn the basics like adding, subtracting, division, and multiplying because we will use this in our every day life. Why is it necessary to learn what a^2+b^2=C^2 is?
This frustrates me because I am paying money to get material that I will not use. People who tell us that you will use the math we learn in school are full of it. They do not know what I want to do in life nor do they not know if math is required for my future job.
First off letters of the alphabet do not belong with numbers; that is why we study the alphabet and math separately. Second math is always changing. Change is a good thing but for math definitely not. Since math is changing all the time there are a million ways to do one problem. For many who do not speak the math language, it gets confusing.
Just teach us one way and that’s it; that is all we ask for! For example, if you were to take the same math class but had two different teachers, you will learn more than one way to do the same material. I find this confusing and frustrating. I am not writing this only because I am horrible at this subject and I hate math with a passion. I am also one of those people who cannot comprehend the math language.
Math is a completely different language to me and it is a language that I do not want to learn nor need for what I want to do in life.
If you speak the math language then good for you and keep it up, but me personally math is not my strong subject. So please math do us all a favor and solve your own damn self. is powered by WordPress µ | Spam prevention powered by Akismet
