Nathan Crites-Herren The Paw Print En la iniciativa de leyes secundarias al sector de telecomunicaciones que propuso el Poder Ejecutivo, y que ahora se discute en el Senado de la República, particularmente en los apartados VII y VIII del Artículo 197, donde ordena a los concesionarios de servicios de telecomunicaciones a “bloquear, inhibir o anular […]
Posts on ‘April 24th, 2014’
Potential “Natural Gas War” Between Russia and Europe
Steven Petrov The Paw Print Ukraine has accumulated over $2 billion in natural gas debt over the recent years. Under the current political and economical hostility between Ukraine and Russia, this serves as an additional reason for the tension to keep being high in the region. The European Commissioner for Energy in the European Commission, […]
Free Faculty Lecture will Address Parkinson’s Disease Protein
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT Linda Relyea (Institutional Advancement) 719-587-7827 Kristy Duran (Biology Department) 719-587-7767 ALAMOSA (April 16) –”Alpha-Synuclein: The Parkinson’s disease Protein,” by Dr. Aaron Moehlig, assistant professor of chemistry, begins at 7 p.m. Wednesday, April 23, in Porter Hall 130. In ancient India “Kampavata”, described by Galen in AD 175 as, “a shaking palsy” […]
ASU Choirs will perform at Sacred Heart Church
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT Linda Relyea (Institutional Advancement) 719-587-7827 ASU Music Department 719-587-7621 ALAMOSA (April 16) – The Adams State University Chamber and Concert Choirs will perform at 7 p.m. Friday, April 25 in Sacred Heart Church, located in Alamosa, Colo. They will be joined by the San Luis Valley Children’s Chorus. The choirs will […]
Local, Regional, National and International Weekly
Jake Hughes The Paw Print In local news, Adams State University new observatory has started construction. The Zachies Planetarium turns 50 this year and is set to receive the long awaited reconstruction. Thanks to the $3.6 million grant awarded in October 2011 from the Hispanic Serving Institutions, (HIS) STEM program, (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) […]
Personal Sanctions for Putin Say The Times
Steven Petrov The Paw Print Russia’s President is not afraid of the British newspaper “Times”, said Putin’s official spokesman Russian President’s official spokesman, Dmitry Sergeyevich Peskov, has categorized the news that the British tabloid “Times” published last Friday, regarding the potential personal sanctions that the US government is planning to impose to Vladimir Putin by […]
Chris Ransck Will Join Adams State Seniors in Public Reading
ALAMOSA (April 17) – Adams State University Creative Writing Seniors Jessica Conda and Michael Sakosky, have put the final touches on their creative work and invite you to their capstone reading at 7 p.m. Thursday, April 24, in the Nielsen Library second floor. Featured Reader Chris Ransick, appointed Denver Poet Laureate in 2006, will join […]
Del Norte High School Students Test Out the ASU HPPE Performance Lab
ALAMOSA (April 21) – Students gather around the treadmill, as Joseph Archuleta starts out with a quick pace that soon develops into a slow jog. The Del Norte High School students were introduced to the Adams State University Human Performance Lab, on April 9. A junior, Archuleta was chosen as the subject to be fitted […]
Facebook is Ruining People’s Self Esteem
Steven Petrov The Paw Print Facebook has become an inseparable part of many people’s lives and for the better or worse, this is an unquestionable fact. Many of us spent hours every day, even during work, looking at pictures and posts of our “friends” on Facebook. According to scientists from UK and US, this has […]
Scholar to Speak on Islamic Threat: Myth or Reality
ALAMOSA (April 16) – Islamic scholar John Esposito will speak on the topic: The Islamic Threat: Myth or Reality?, at 7 p.m. Monday, April 28, in Adams State University’s Theatre Building. “We have to [practice religious inclusion] in a multi-ethnic, multi-faith society in a globalized society — that is our challenge when it comes to […]