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Posts from ‘March, 2014’

Is Our Democracy a Deeply Flawed System?

Corey Daniels The Paw Print Do you believe in suppressing minorities? In a democracy you are supporting this very thing every time you vote. What you are supporting is a system of tyranny by the majority. If 51% of the people vote to violate your rights or take your property and you are on the […]

Simple Steps for Getting Through a Breakup

Jessica Shawcroft The Paw Print Break-ups are tough! They can leave people heartbroken and confused about the relationship or ever dating again. Usually one person comes out on top, while the other feels left in the dirt, kicked on and upset. I thought about ways people can work to get over their past break up. […]

To Keely By Reuben Chavira

1. Get up and come kiss me when I walk into the room. Not because I said so, but because there will come a time in your life, where you will be so lonely it hurts. You will question what you’re worth. But I have loved you since your birth. I have watched over you. […]

The Unsung Ensemble By Reuben Chavira

The Adams Wind Ensemble assembled themselves last Thursday night in Leon Memorial Hall. They assembled in memory of past musicians, to pay homage to past composers, to pay tribute to those former students who once danced with the winds. It was an intimate gather of diversity, where harmony reverberated through the airwaves. Such glaring differences, […]

The Face of an Angel By Reuben Chavira

When a 3 year old princess of a child hands you a Barbie, you play barbies with her. No machismo, no ego; all high-pitched voice and smiles. She’ll walk you through it, correct you if you call Barbie the wrong name, or encourage you if she sees you being lazy. She’ll be patient with you, […]

One of the Most Profound Religions

Jake Hughes The Paw Print Islam is one of the world’s most profound religions, yet, it is seen as one of the youngest. Islam is culturally strong within the Arab group of people. People who follow Islam are called Muslims, meaning “surrendered to god.” Islamic roots date back to the beginning of time which gives […]

Horoscopes for the Week of March 6th-12th

Madam Shawcroft The Paw Print Aquarius 01/20-02/18 Your antenna seems primed to seek out unusual experiences. You may be looking for opportunities that offer something a little bit different. Plus, social plans may have you in good spirits as the move of Venus into your sign paves the way for fun events and new friendships. […]

Excerpt from Aunt Dee, a Recently Published Novel by Stacy Davis

“She left for milk, and never made it back home, Sheryl…” That’s all he would ever tell me. I know it was a car crash, but I don’t know how it happened.  My daddy would never tell me, but I also never bothered to ask him, or anyone else for that matter. My mama was […]

Online Swap Shops: Let the Addiction Run Free

Stacy Davis The Paw Print If you have ever heard of the term “retail therapy” and know what it means, then you also know shopping has become one of our Nation’s biggest addictions. Having a bad day? Go buy a new blouse. Lost your job? Hit up the nearest mall and spend your blues away. […]

CS Maintenance for Thursday, March 6th, 2014

The following maintenance activities will take place tonight, Thursday March 6th during our normally scheduled maintenance window beginning at 9:00 PM: Beginning at 9:00 PM, Computing Services will be rebooting several campus servers including the campus blog server, how-to wiki, cs wiki, email lists, and the main campus storage system which includes email for employees […] is powered by WordPress µ | Spam prevention powered by Akismet
