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Posts from ‘April, 2014’

Del Norte High School Students Test Out the ASU HPPE Performance Lab

ALAMOSA (April 21) – Students gather around the treadmill, as Joseph Archuleta starts out with a quick pace that soon develops into a slow jog. The Del Norte High School students were introduced to the Adams State University Human Performance Lab, on April 9. A junior, Archuleta was chosen as the subject to be fitted […]

Facebook is Ruining People’s Self Esteem

Steven Petrov The Paw Print Facebook has become an inseparable part of many people’s lives and for the better or worse, this is an unquestionable fact. Many of us spent hours every day, even during work, looking at pictures and posts of our “friends” on Facebook. According to scientists from UK and US, this has […]

Scholar to Speak on Islamic Threat: Myth or Reality

ALAMOSA (April 16) – Islamic scholar John Esposito will speak on the topic: The Islamic Threat: Myth or Reality?, at 7 p.m. Monday, April 28, in Adams State University’s Theatre Building. “We have to [practice religious inclusion] in a multi-ethnic, multi-faith society in a globalized society — that is our challenge when it comes to […]

Horoscopes for the Week of April 24th-50th

Madam Shawcroft The Paw Print Aquarius 01/20-02/18 Though bright ideas can dominate, you could sufferrom overthinking, which might give you a headache. However, it’s only natural if you’re searching for an answer and determined to leave no stone unturned. Later, things could become even more intense, causing you to seek instant solutions. Though the current […]

ASU Alternative Spring Break in the US/Mexico Borderlands

Nathan Crites-Herren                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    The Paw Print The Alternative Spring Break trip (ASB), held annually by The Newman Club, ventured to the borderlands of US and Mexico during the 2014 spring semester.   The group of ten students and two faculty advisors embarked for Mexicali, a sprawling Mexican border city that joins with Calexico in California’s southern San […]

Dying for Hair Color: A Blonde’s Point of View

Alison Bischoff The Paw Print It was obvious; a natural had not been seen in the crowded halls of Chaparral High. Blatant stares were cast as I swept down the hall, and jealous whispers were abundant between the dark rooted wanna-be’s. The shine coming from the top of my head blinded unfamiliar eyes and boys […]

Contest for Gamers with Good Taste

Richard Flamm The Paw Print There is a certain nostalgia that comes with the memory of morning-light filled living rooms gaming with my younger brother. I remember spending Friday nights having friends over after school with all of us on the edge of the couch with controllers in each hand. What I have witnessed unfurl […]

Phone Chargers at the Nielsen Library

Battery running low? Charger at home? The Nielsen Library now has phone chargers available for checkout. We have chargers for both old and new Apple devices as well as micro-USB  charger for Android phones and other devices. All chargers can be checked out for 2 hours and must be used in the library.  

Senior English Major Capstone Readings

On Thursday, April 24, at 7:00pm, the Nielsen Library will host a Senior Capstone Reading by graduating English majors Jessica Conda and Michael Sakowsky. Presented by the English Department, the event will also feature a reading by Chris Ransick, Denver Poet Laureate of 2006 and author of five works of fiction and poetry. The reading […]

Are you Grizzly Tough

Please share what it means to be GRIZZLY tough. Post your photos or share a story about what makes you a GRIZZLY… Please pass this on to fellow students. We love student feedback!#grizzlytough #adamsstateuniversity #ASU #grizzlies #roar is powered by WordPress µ | Spam prevention powered by Akismet
