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Posts under ‘News’

Upcoming Lecture on Extra Terrestrial Life

Cindy Bervig The Paw Print Adams State University will host Professor Donna Jurdy, with the Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences at Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois. Jurdy will speak at noon in Porter Hall room 130 and again at 7 p.m. in Carson Auditorium on Thursday, Feb. 13, 2014 at Adams State University Her evening […]

France Spends Over 1 Billion on Cyber Security

Steven Petrov The Paw Print France is planning on strengthening its long-term neglected sector of Cyber defense, under the form of investing in modern technologies, informed Reuters. The minister of defense showed the official plan which includes secured phone lines, encryption devices, and surveillance systems, which will protect the computer systems from becoming the victim […]

Chemical Odor Results in Evacuation at ASU

Julie Waechter The Paw Print Adams State University will contract with a professional decontamination crew to clean an area of Porter Hall that was inundated with a strong chemical odor Monday morning, according to Dr. Joel Shults, Adams State Chief of Police. Porter Hall houses Adams State’s science, mathematics, and engineering programs. The chemical substance […]

ASU Theatre Presents Valentine’s Day Shows

John Taylor The Paw Print Whether it is a couple’s first date, their 50th Valentine’s Day celebration, or you are still waiting for true love, the Adams State University Theatre Program Production, Ironic Love Affairs will bring laughter to your heart. The production, featuring four one-act plays, opens at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 11, and […]

ASU Summer Registration set for March 17th

ALAMOSA (February 4) – Finish your degree faster with summer classes at Adams State University. New this summer – all students, undergraduate and graduate will pay in-state tuition for summer. This is over 50 percent savings from summer 2013. The reduced tuition rate offers students a great opportunity to progress towards a degree and finish […]

Kokoska Art Exhibit Features Nature Artwork

Linda Relyea The Paw Print This February 10th, Adams State will host the exhibit, Fire and Rain, will feature large drawings by Mary-Ann Kokoska, an Colorado State University associate professor of drawing, at the Adams State University Cloyde Snook Gallery. Kokoska will present a lecture on her work at 4 p.m. Friday, Feb. 14, in […]

Israeli Activists Set to Speak at Adams State

Mari Centeno The Paw Print Adams State University will host Israeli activists addressing the Israeli Occupation. “The Soldier and the Refusenik: Two Israelis. Two Choices. One Conclusion” The event begins at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 19 in McDaniel Hall Room 101. The event is free and open to the public. Eran Efrati, 28, was born […]

Lifeways of the San Luis Valley Set for Spring

Linda Relyea The Paw Print ALAMOSA (January 28) – The Adams State University Title V Hilos Culturales lecture series, “Lifeways of the San Luis Valley,” has scheduled a variety of free lectures, and a return of the concert, Musica de la Gente, for the spring 2014 semester. Community members are invited to attend the lectures, […]

Snowden Remains in International Spotlight

Steven Petrov The Paw Print The name Edward Snowden continues to be at the center of media attention around the world since the former national security agent revealed highly classified information to the public last year. Snowden alleged involvement of the NSA and other major U.S. agencies in eavesdropping and espionage on several European countries […]

Adams State Art Department Hosting New Events

Linda Relyea The Paw Print ALAMOSA (January 28) – The Adams State University Cloyde Snook Gallery and Hatfield Gallery will host an assortment of artists and art during the spring 2014 semester. February 10 through March 7 Cloyde Snook Gallery – Mary-Ann Kokoska, drawing Hatfield Gallery – Student Show, metals and sculpture Kokoska Artist Lecture: […] is powered by WordPress µ | Spam prevention powered by Akismet
