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Posts under ‘Information’

Serving Others by Angelica Thabit

I am ecstatic to be able to participate in the Adams State Campus Ministry’s trip to Mexico this spring break. I look forward to not only the beautiful beaches, warm weather and authentic food, but also to serving the people. While Mexico borders right up under the United States, I sadly do not know very much […]

On a Quest to Find My Purpose by Beneranda Chacon

I’m going to Mexico, as this is repeated in my mind, my thoughts of excitement and anticipation of what’s to come make me smile.  I am on a quest to find my purpose, so I ask myself; How will I react to? Sight ….Touch …Taste … Sound…Thirst…Hunger…Pain….Balance … What will I see — Will I see […]

Experience Comes from Living by Darling Najar

Hi everyone! I would like to start by introducing myself, I’m Darling Najar, and I am a student here at Adams State University majoring in Nursing, with a minor in Health Care Administration. I LOVE living new experiences, and becoming more culturally aware every time I go on to new adventures. But mainly, I greatly enjoy putting […]

PASC General Membership meeting with the President

On behalf of the Professional Administrative Staff Council, you are invited to a meeting with President McClure this Thursday, March 17th at 1:30 PM in McDaniel Hall 101. President McClure will be giving a “State of the University” address. Although this address is aimed at exempt professional staff, all employees are welcome. We hope to […]

Seeking members for committee work

There are some new committees being formed and we are seeking involvement from senators, reps, or other students who may be interested. Please let us know if you are interested or know anyone else who may be interested in getting involved in any of the following committees: Sodexo Culinary Council: eat food and provide feedback […]

Holy Ground by Shirley Atencio, Campus Minister

  A favorite quote of mine aptly expresses the reason we continue doing ASB:  “Our first task in approaching another people, another culture, and another religion is to take off our shoes, for the ground we are approaching is holy.”  It has so often been the case that travelers on ASB return feeling they have […]

Giving Back By Brett Forster

Hello My name is Brett Forster and I am really excited to go to Mexico this year for Spring Break, ever since my friend Adrian came and talked to me about this trip I have been counting down the days. I actually have never been to Mexico before, but I have served a 2 year […]

Experience of a Lifetime By Chelsie Smith

I first heard about this trip in my sociology class. As the applications were being passed around all I could think about was what an amazing experience this would be. I always see things I want to do and yet I never take a step towards accomplishing them. I always come up with some sort […]

Unforgettable Experience By Soledad Dominguez

There are so many reasons why I am excited for this trip to Sonora, Mexico. I always love meeting new people and I think by exploring social and cultural issues is a great way. This helps many of us with becoming leaders of our community and everywhere we are. Serving people means a lot to […]

Let the adventure BEGIN!!!! By Vince Alcon

Hello wonderful world!! I am the ever-so-fabulous Vince Alcon from Westminster, CO but, originally from the Philippine Islands. A little bit more about me, I am a nursing student at Adams State University, always up to laugh and love to learn/immerse myself in different cultures. Being around people is my hobby, I am what you […] is powered by WordPress µ | Spam prevention powered by Akismet
