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Posts under ‘Features’

Scholar of the Week: September 22

The practice of “multi-tasking,” when done well, is an art.  It takes desire, commitment, and sheer talent to pull it off successfully; that is exactly what this week’s Scholar of the Week, sophomore Sarah Krupski, possesses. This Mass Communications major is taking The Study of Literature, Media Communications, the Principles of Management and Stage Make-Up […]

Media Productions Offer a Chance for Visual Expression

Reggie Thompson The Paw Print For those who are interested in media and creating fun, creative, film-based projects, here is your new activity.  Grizzly Media Productions is the student club that allows its members an opportunity to “express themselves through visual media.” Based on the this past summer’s Digital Filmmaking course, this club will be […]

ASC’s Dirty Little Column with the Delicious Doctors Love

Dr. Chocolate Thunder and Professor Vanilla Lightning are not real doctors or mental health professionals. Their advice should not be taken seriously.** Dear DLC, Okay, so my friend has this girl stalking him. She always shows up wherever he is, even when no one else knows where he went. My other friends and I keep […]

Jones’ Nuclear Science Career Ignited at ASC

Linda Relyea Adams State College ALAMOSA ‑ Born in a log cabin in Hooper, Colo., Tom Jones ’52 went on to devote his career to assuring his country’s security. He retired in 1991 after 31 years with the Atomic Energy Commission, having served for a time as Director of U.S. Nuclear Weapons Production. Jones and […]

Facial Highlights, a Way to Create an Eye-catching Look

Irma Sandoval The Paw Print Highlighters are made to bring attention to the most important points in your notes or book right? Have you ever thought about highlighting your face? No, I’m not talking about with a sharpie! I’m talking about using make up to bring focus to the best features on your face. Highlighting […]

Adventure, Excitement, and Comraderie at Sci-Fi Club

Derek Chacon The Paw Print Let’s face it; people like their science fiction and fantasy. Just look at the top ten highest grossing films of all time – Avatar, Harry Potter, Transformers – just to name a few. Whether we fully embrace our nerdiness, or try to keep it subdued to a more subtle level, […]

ASC’s Dirty Little Column with the Delicious Doctors Love

Dr. Chocolate Thunder and Professor Vanilla Lightning are not real doctors or mental health professionals. Their advice should not be taken seriously.** Dear DLC, I’ve recently found myself in a sticky situation. I’m hanging out with two boys and they are teammates.  They aren’t friends but I’m always afraid I’m going to be brought up […]

ASC Scholar of the Week- September 8

As the new semester begins and academia reigns over the Adams State College campus, fifth year student Dan Carver dives into another semester of challenging courses.  That is exactly why the hard-working Geology and Physical Geography major has been nominated and selected as the Student of the Week. Carver was nominated by Professor Nehring because […]

Art Department Expands Program Opportunities

Nathan Crites-Herren The Paw Print Preservation and advancement of the arts through education is something that Adams State undertook in early 1950, and since then the resulting Art Program has grown considerably.  In early 2000 the art department upgraded to their current location, which used to be the old science and math building.  The increase […]

ASC’s Dirty Little Column with the Delicious Doctors Love

Dr. Chocolate Thunder and Professor Vanilla Lightning are not real doctors or mental health professionals. Their advice should not be taken seriously.** If you haven’t heard of the Paw Print’s Dirty Little Column, you’re either new to ASC or have been living under the rock until its recent relocation.  In which case, we’re glad you […] is powered by WordPress µ | Spam prevention powered by Akismet
