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Posts under ‘Features’

Jones Fills Lecture Hall for Final Lunchtime Talk

Armando Montano The Paw Print Last Wednesday many people turned out to see Dr. Marty Jones of chemistry give his lunchtime talk on “Molecules that Changed History”, a look at the structures of major chemicals that have had a significant impact on human history. The entire crowd composed of a wide variety of attendants, chemistry student and professors alike […]

Scholar of the Week: March 1

Johnna Keever The Paw Print Non-traditional student Sydney Bruner is another outstanding student here at Adams State.  Sydney was nominated for Scholar of the Week for her exceptional ability to come to class prepared and providing other students with intelligent comments during discussions. Sydney transferred from Aims Community College in Loveland Colo., so she could […]

Socially Responsible Perspective Showcased at Gallery

Nathan Crites-Herren The Paw Print On display in the Cloyde Snook Gallery, is the “Global Village,” an art installation which is not your ordinary exhibit, nor is featured artist Susan Li O’ Connor your ordinary artist.  A Chinese immigrant growing up in the metropolitan cites of Phoenix, New Jersey and Columbus, O’Connor received a diverse […]

Scholar of the Week: February 23

Rachel Decker The Paw Print During her time at Adams State, Scholar of the Week Kailee Potter has made quite a name for herself. With an impressive overall GPA of 3.64, and her passion for chemistry, this senior is on the fast track for an impressive future after college. Kailee came to Adams State to […]

Concert and Chamber Choir give Spectacular Performance

Becca Paez The Paw Print On Friday, Feb. 17, the Adams State Concert and Chamber Choirs, delivered a spectacular performance at the Sacred Heart Church. The first choir to perform was Concert Choir. They opened up with a traditional South African folk song, Tshotsholoza (Shoh-shoh-loh-zah). Tshotsholoza is a song of freedom and was often sung […]

ASC’s Dirty Little Column with the Delicious Doctor Love

Dr. Chocolate Thunder is not real doctor or mental health professional. The doctor’s advice should not be taken seriously.** Dear DLC, When I first started dating my current boyfriend, we were very attracted to each other sexually.  We still are, and we have sex a lot.  I enjoy it, but I am afraid that I’ll […]

Faculty Lecture Series Features Danny Ledonne’s Film

Armando Montano The Paw Print Last week, on Feb. 15 ASC welcomed all interested for a showing of Danny Ledonne’s  film, “Adventures in Backpack Filmmaking” The event was busy, as the majority of the spectators were highly anticipating the film and learning more of the insight in creating compact filmmaking. The audience was not disappointed as the film showcased San Luis […]

Scholar of the Week: February 16

Nathan Crites-Herren The Paw Print Crossing borders to realize her dreams, Judith Martinez has had a unique journey to academic excellence.  Martinez, originally from Chihuahua, Mexico came to Colorado with her parents while still in High School.  “Although I couldn’t speak English at the time, I wanted to prove to my brother that anything is […]

ASC Students Participate in Evening of Speed Dating Fun

Ryan Dufresne The Paw Print Some Adams State College students participated in speed dating on February 13. The student orientation staff sponsored the speed dating event. This event was only two dollars and after this event was a dance that was free to the participants of the speed dating. But if a person was not […]

Milagros Open Mic Poetry night Showcases Diverse Talent

Jose Orozco The Paw Print “The Ouroborus, a symbol of a snake eating it’s own tail.  The Phoenix, a legendary bird that is reborn from the ashes of its own death. Perpetual motion, motion with no beginning and no end.”  These were some of the common themes to be spoken at Milagros Open Mic Poetry […] is powered by WordPress µ | Spam prevention powered by Akismet
