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Posts under ‘Features’

Comparing the dynamics of the development of civilization in China and India

Jake Hughes The Paw Print The developments of the Chinese and Indian civilizations lead to a number of different and complex dynamics. These two civilizations have some strong similarities in many aspects, yet also having a lot of contrasts. Both civilizations are from prehistory and have a great deal of identity and culture. Some borrowed […]

March 13th Through History

1519- Cortez lands in Mexico with his five hundred and eight soldiers in search of riches. 1639- Cambridge College is changed to Harvard in honor of Clergyman John Harvard. 1677- Massachusetts pays $6,000 for the title to Maine. 1759- Halley’s Comet’s 27th perihelion passage. 1781- Uranus is discovered and is mistaken for a comet by […]

Words Mean Something By Reuben Chavira

Alfred bloom, in 1981, came to several of the following conclusions regarding language: “Learning new disciplines largely consists in coming to understand and use appropriately the individual labeled schemas that constitute its fundamental vocabulary.” – Words mean something. The world that we live in is a construct of the words we define it by. The […]

Movie Review: The Lego Movie

Hannah Oranday The Paw Print Full of adventure and surprises “The Lego Movie” manages to capture the attention of audiences of all ages.  With a fascinating story line, Emmet- an ordinary LEGO mini-figure- is mistaken for a master builder who holds the key to saving the world. Drafted into a group of heroes, Emmet begins […]

Games of the Week Review by Doodads

Online: Cookie Clicker Cookie Clicker is a surprisingly addictive game, much like Flappy Bird. The gameplay is simple and there is no end that I am aware of. Basically you are baking cookies by clicking the giant chocolate chip cookie on the left of the screen. When you bake enough cookies you unlock new items, […]

Horoscopes for the Week of March 13th – 19th

Madam Shawcroft The Paw Print Aquarius 01/20-02/18 A favorable atmosphere for adventure opens important doors. Influences encourage romantic events and creative opportunities, yet possibilities for study and travel are also included in the mix. Work and health matters seem to progress well with opportunities to find a job that offers more of a challenge. Money […]

What is a Liberal and What is a Conservative?

Corey Daniels The Paw Print These terms are thought to define the 2 main groups of political leadership in America. Democrats are seen as being liberal and Republicans as conservative. The surprising thing about these two terms, liberal and conservative, is that the meanings have completely changed over the last 200 years! The degree to […]

To Keely By Reuben Chavira

1. Get up and come kiss me when I walk into the room. Not because I said so, but because there will come a time in your life, where you will be so lonely it hurts. You will question what you’re worth. But I have loved you since your birth. I have watched over you. […]

The Unsung Ensemble By Reuben Chavira

The Adams Wind Ensemble assembled themselves last Thursday night in Leon Memorial Hall. They assembled in memory of past musicians, to pay homage to past composers, to pay tribute to those former students who once danced with the winds. It was an intimate gather of diversity, where harmony reverberated through the airwaves. Such glaring differences, […]

The Face of an Angel By Reuben Chavira

When a 3 year old princess of a child hands you a Barbie, you play barbies with her. No machismo, no ego; all high-pitched voice and smiles. She’ll walk you through it, correct you if you call Barbie the wrong name, or encourage you if she sees you being lazy. She’ll be patient with you, […] is powered by WordPress µ | Spam prevention powered by Akismet
