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Posts under ‘Features’

Health To-Go: The Benefits of Walking Every Day

Jessika Vandivier  The Paw Print Welcome once again readers to a new week and a new challenge. Last week we discussed how important staying hydrated was. I hope everyone got in their eight glasses a day and hopefully you didn’t get too water logged. Our health challenge this week is something so simple you’ve been […]

Cyber Bullying: Why It Is Such a Big Issue for Teens?

Abbie Stillman The Paw Print Cyber bullying is the most popular version of bullying these days. Tina Meier spoke to the public on Tuesday night at Alamosa High School about cyber bullying, how to approach it, and the consequences it has on people. She started the presentation with a personal story about her own daughter; […]

Veritas: “The Truth About Lies”

Brandon Gallegos On average, a person will exchange at least two lies a day. One report assessed that up to 27% of face to face conversations contained a lie, and nearly a third of phone calls involved some form of deceit. As technology advances, we are provided with many new forms of communication. With these […]

Recycling at ASU Needs Your Help

Marty Jones                                                                                                           […]

Porter Hall’s Lunch Time Talks: Week One

Stephen Jiron                                                                                                            […]

U.S Leads Charge on Historic U.N. Counter Terrorism Resolution

Patrick Cleary                                                                                                           […]

Health To-Go, H2O Pro: The Benefits of Drinking Water

Jessika Vandivier                                                                                                           […]

Smoothy’s Juice Bar a Hit Amongst ASU Students

Kailie Hartman The Paw Print Students who have yet to sip the delicious fruit and vegetable smoothies at Smoothy’s Juice Bar are missing out. Located on the corner of Highway 285 and 160, this family owned juice bar is a nutritious treasure to Alamosa. The menu spans from green smoothies filled with spinach, cucumber, kale, […]

What Campus Bookstores Doesn’t Tell You on Saving Money

Alexandra Rivera The Paw Print Almost every university has a book store that has everything you need for your classes books, supplies etc. However, have you ever thought, “Why books are so expensive and where does the money go?”  Have you ever wondered if there is a better way to save money? The answer to […]

“La Vida de una Mexicana”

Brenda Perez The Paw Print La vida de un mexicano nunca es fácil especial mente cuando tienes la mayoría de tu vida viviendo aquí. La gente de aquí y la gente de tu misma raza siempre te ven diferente porque ya nomas cruzando la frontera no eres ni de aquí ni de haya. Siendo chiquita […] is powered by WordPress µ | Spam prevention powered by Akismet
