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Posts under ‘Commentary’

The War is Coming Home

Danny Ledonne The Paw Print A police officer, surrounded by several others, restrains a struggling, unarmed man in a choke hold as he gasps “I can’t breathe” 11 times. Moments later, he is dead on the streets of Staten Island. A 2 year old child in Atlanta is asleep in his crib at 3 a.m. […]

How to Survive in the World of College

Alexandra Rivera The Paw Print Attending college after high school is a huge transition. No longer will you have teachers nagging you to do your homework. No longer will your parents be around to save you from your mistakes. College is what you make it and, if you have the right tools and tips, you […]

An Eloquently Evolved Form of Communication

Reuben Chavira The Paw Print Throughout human history, societies have frequently undergone tumultuous transformations. From revolutions to conscious evolutions, people inherently yearn for greener pastures, even if they have to pave them themselves. This prosocial behavior that has pushed us onward toward social justice – toward more efficient and economic ways of interacting with each […]

The Extensive Benefits of a Flexible Body

Cinthya Luna The Paw Print Flexibility is what allows your joints and body parts to perform their full range of motion.  People do not realize it, but flexibility is used in every day life and activities. Flexibility helps with the simple tasks such as bending, walking, and lifting. By being flexible, this allows your body […]

Poetry, Prosody and the Passion Language

Reuben Chavira The Paw Print The premise of the presentation was that social emotions are responsible for creating social movements. The presentation itself was essentially a strategy for leveraging prosocial change in an at-risk community. Poetry, Prosody and Passion were discussed as identifiable components of social bodies, significant in their similar functions of conveying social […]

Dying for Hair Color: A Blonde’s Point of View

Alison Bischoff The Paw Print It was obvious; a natural had not been seen in the crowded halls of Chaparral High. Blatant stares were cast as I swept down the hall, and jealous whispers were abundant between the dark rooted wanna-be’s. The shine coming from the top of my head blinded unfamiliar eyes and boys […]

Contest for Gamers with Good Taste

Richard Flamm The Paw Print There is a certain nostalgia that comes with the memory of morning-light filled living rooms gaming with my younger brother. I remember spending Friday nights having friends over after school with all of us on the edge of the couch with controllers in each hand. What I have witnessed unfurl […]

Super Foods Can Help Students Like You

Jessica Shawcroft The Paw Print Every time the weather starts getting warmer and I want to be outside more, I tend to notice my weight. I have also noticed how bogged down I feel from the foods I am eating. I don’t think I’m alone; I researched super foods, ones that help us feel our […]

Mary Jane and Her Colorado Romance

Stephen Jiron The Paw Print Well it’s unavoidable; Marijuana is everywhere now. Ever since the smear campaign by tobacco that demonized marijuana, it’s been commonplace to expect those that partook in marijuana to hide it, keep it behind closed doors. Not only that but all the attention it still receives, negative and positive. Now seeing […]

The More You Pay, the More it’s Worth

Opinion by Dr. David Svaldi, President, Adams State University Some respected print and online publications have recently given a lot of attention to a report from PayScale, a salary comparison website, that purports to calculate the ROI – return on investment – of a degree from more than 1,300 U.S. colleges and universities. The resulting […] is powered by WordPress µ | Spam prevention powered by Akismet
