How to Survive in the World of College

Alexandra Rivera
The Paw Print

Attending college after high school is a huge transition. No longer will you have teachers nagging you to do your homework. No longer will your parents be around to save you from your mistakes. College is what you make it and, if you have the right tools and tips, you could have a successful journey throughout your freshmen year.

Freshmen Don’t s
1. Don’t miss class! Missing class is the number one reason some students fail classes. This is because you could miss assignments and other important information. Similarly most professors lack respect for those students who don’t show up to class. It shows your professor you don’t care or want to try, which brings down your reputation as a student.
2. Don’t Drink and Drive! College life does include night life and partying etc. Still, you should be aware that drinking and driving jeopardizes yours and others’ safety, along with jeopardizing your finical aid status if you get a DUI. You could end up spending thousands of dollars in court fees and have that DUI on your record for life.
3. Don’t get sick! If you get sick, you tend to miss class, and if you miss class, then you get behind. If you get behind in your classes, there might be a chance of you not passing. Make sure you eat healthy and do not share drinks or other things with others; it will keep your chances of becoming ill low.
4. Don’t get caught up in the party scene! Every now and then you need a break from studies to let loose. However, if you get caught up in the party scene, it could affect you and your grades greatly. Word of advice… only party on the weekends! Nobody likes going to lecture with a hangover.

Freshmen’s Dos
1. Get involved! College has a lot of different clubs, events, and shows. If you get involved in clubs or something along those lines, it will help you meet new people and learn new exciting things.
2. Stay Organized! Being organized in college is very important and helpful. It will befit you by having all your personal and school possessions in order. Also, you  won’t have to deal with tearing your whole room apart just to find something.
3. Build relationships with your professors! Professors are human too. If you create a relationship with your professors, you will soon learn that commutation is key when it comes to college. Likewise, you’re more likely to do better in a class when you have a relationship with your professor than when you do not.
4. Check your student email daily! Every day you should check your email! The reason being is professors seem to commutate to students through email, along with sending important information that is significant for next class. Also, if something is going on around campus, the college will email you regarding the event or situation.  Lastly, you should always check your email because sometimes professors cancel or move classes, letting you either sleep in or chill out. is powered by WordPress µ | Spam prevention powered by Akismet
