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Posts under ‘Commentary’

It’s Not Just Another Day Off

By Dave Hargis Many across campus have noticed the gaping hole in the class schedule on October 29th. Some are not even bothering to ask why. It’s time off from lectures, labs and homework, and that’s all that seems to matter. What most don’t seem to realize is that October 29th is not just another […]

Club Requirements

Nicole Plowright South Coloradan Joining a club or an organization is the easiest way for a student to get involved on campus. However, when a student joins one of these groups, what exactly are they getting into? When a club becomes an active club through AS&F, meaning they receive funding from AS&F for their activities, […]

Constitutional Rights and Wrongs at ASC

Anthony Guerrero South Coloradan College is a noisy place by default.  There are noisy dorms, obnoxious students, loud parties downtown and rowdy conversations in the halls.  Usually though, the campus offers a place where you can escape—a  place where you can sit down, read a book, do important research, surf the internet, type a term […]

A College by Any Other Name…

Opinion by Dr. David Svaldi, president of Adams State College “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” A college that changes its name to university should remain fundamentally the same.

Constitutional Rights and Wrongs at ASC

David Mazel South Coloradan Students, does Adams State College illegally restrict your rights to freedom of expression and freedom of conscience? Absolutely, says the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE). According to its website, FIRE’s mission is to “sustain individual rights at America’s colleges and universities.” Much of its work involves flushing out policies […]

An Opinion on the Healthcare Debate: Obama and Healthcare Reform

Anthony Guerrero South Coloradan Death Panels.  Forced abortions.  Death to grandma.  Socialist Nazi America.  Scenes from a dystopian horror movie you ponder?  Nope.  They are the latest fabrications from the conservative Republican Party to block any thought or motion on proposed health care reform.  As one Republican congressman recently said, if they can “stop Obama […]

What’s In a Name?

Dave Hargis South Coloradan Names are strange linguistic creatures, often neutral and specific, sometimes polarizing and odd. These occasionally quirky proper nouns are everywhere, of course. They are so common in our daily lives that we often use them without a second thought, until we consider changing them. Then things can begin to get a […] is powered by WordPress µ | Spam prevention powered by Akismet
