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Posts under ‘Commentary’

Steroids Can Cause More Bad than Good

Jordan Roberts The Paw Print Imagine this: you grow up watching a sports legend on television. He breaks several records, and you grow up practically idolizing him, only to see him get busted for using anabolic steroids. Then you end up despising him because he cheated throughout his entire career. He gets booted off the […]

Tying the Knot or Not…

Mikie Husman The Paw Print According to the law of the United States heterosexuals marry, so why can’t homosexuals? In the last few months, there have been issues that have come up, that some states allow a homosexual to marry another homosexual. This is one of the hottest topics that we have ever heard of. […]

200-2010 The Close of the Decade

Armando Montano The Paw Print As the end of the year is coming quickly, the decade is also coming to a close. From the beginning of 2000 to the end of 2010, all of us can look back and realize just how much the world has changed in these past 10 years alone. For many, […]

Heart of La Puente

Jenna Richlie The Paw Print So…. what are you doing today? Monday 10 cents shy of a 50 cent town Uncle Sam threw a crutch at my surgical operation I live on your block.

Hickenlooper Wins Over Voters

Anthony Guerrero The Paw Print For all the political ads we saw this election year, and all the sound bytes, speeches, attacks on patriotism and character, there is one thing we did not see. That was a negative ad on an opponent from our Governor-Elect John Hickenlooper. Governor-Elect Hickenlooper won the trust of the voters […]

The Nielson Library Atmosphere

Anthony Guerrero The Paw Print Let me begin by saying I support much of the new structure and atmosphere inside our own Nielsen Library. It’s great to be able to sit down for a coffee while studying and to have information from several news sources including cable television readily available. However, I highly miss quiet […]

Global Warming or Capitalism?

Joaquim Resende Neto The Paw Print The world has never been so rich and developed. First world countries are in constant development, making new discoveries that humans never thought would be possible. As a result, more energy is needed to support this growth. Andrew Sayer comments in his article “Geography and Global Warming: Can Capitalism […]

Common Ground; Helping the San Luis Valley Community

Cres Audetter The Paw Print The following article was written by one of La Puente’s 2009 full-time AmeriCorps volunteers Not all the people that come to work at La Puente have planned to go into a social work type field. Among the volunteers we have many majors ranging from aviation mechanics to film studies to […]

A Case of Mistaken Identity: Modern Feminism’s Role in Gender Inequality

Mariann Lumsargis The Paw Print Modern madness was the only way to describe the scene in the kitchen. Maria Patricia Modeno rushed around the small space with ferocity worthy of a battle crazed tiger and as she tore through the foliage of plates, keys and cleaning implements, she was giving me a lecture.

Objecting to News Objectivity

Dr. Mark Finney The Paw Print reported on Wednesday that NPR (formerly National Public Radio) has sent an internal memo to employees banning them from attending the upcoming rallies sponsored by Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert.  The Huffingtonpost story quotes NPR’s Senior Vice President for News, Ellen Weiss as writing “NPR journalists may not […] is powered by WordPress µ | Spam prevention powered by Akismet
