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Posts under ‘Commentary’

March Madness: Defective, but Better than BCS

Dr. David Mazel Adams State College March Madness is almost here, so it’s time to think about the Big Tournament as a difference machine — a machine built to create differences. A difference machine doesn’t discover differences that already exist, no more than a lawnmower discovers a nicely trimmed lawn. It produces differences. Just as […]

Depression, Anxiety Treatable in College Students

Anthony Guerrero The Paw Print College students are among some of the most highly stressed individuals in our society. They are constantly under pressure to meet deadlines and live up to family expectations, as well as balancing friendships and romantic relationships. They also, unfortunately, must sometimes endure unethical professors, administrators, and counselors. With all these […]

Modern Day McCarthyism Returns

Lance Hostetter The Paw Print In the 1950s, Senator Joseph McCarthy and FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover brought the country the Second Red Scare.  This was time that followed shortly after WWII and the beginning of the Cold War Era.  Communism, they thought, was our enemy. McCarthy spent years compiling lists of names that he […]

Improving the U.S. Starts with Improving Education

Lance Hostetter The Paw Print Who wants a tax increase?  I sure don’t.  But, that’s not the point.  We all would like a tax decrease.  It’s money in the bank, another penny saved.  That’s nice for Mr. and Mrs. John Q. Taxpayer (to quote Warden Norton from the Shawshank Redemption).

The Genocidal God of Sen. Joseph Lieberman

Dr. David Mazel Adams State College Joseph Lieberman, senior senator from Connecticut and former vice presidential candidate, is on most political questions a reasonable man. But when it comes to American policy toward Israel, his religion makes him a fanatic.

Motivation, Hope Can Come from Unlikely Sources

Kristopher Rodgers The Paw Print  “Procrastination is like masturbation; it feels good at first, but in the end you’re only screwing yourself.” ~ Author unknown I have some major issues with procrastination. I can never find the motivation to do my work until right before it is due. For example, I should have written […]

International Liberations Present Opportunities for Change

Armando Montano The Paw Print As many are aware, several of the countries of the third world are now rising against their established governments in hope to gain new leadership, in light of the liberation of Egypt from their dictatorship. This desire for change has begun to take effect in the very edges of our […]

Religion and Politics in the Public Sphere

Dr. David Mazel Adams State College In a liberal democracy like the United States, when religious people step into the public sphere and argue for turning the government into an instrument of their theology, they open their faith up to public criticism. It cannot fairly be otherwise. If the marketplace of ideas is to function […]

TheNFL Disappoints with Super Bowl XLV, Performances

Paul Pizza The PawPrint I would say the majority of the nation, and possibly the world, knows that both the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Green Bay Packers were the two teams representing their respective conferences in Super Bowl XLV.  We all also know that the Packers prevailed, defeating the Steelers 31-25.  

Letter to the Editor: Grizz Krew Needs to Better Exemplify Sportsmanship

Basketball games can be loud, hard-fought and aggravating, but everyone’s level of enjoyment should never suffer because of a negative comment. During the ASC women’s game at Plachy Hall on Saturday, an ASC Grizz Krew member shouted an obscene comment to a member of the opposing team.  Such insults are meant to inflict psychological pain. Basketball, like any form of competition, […] is powered by WordPress µ | Spam prevention powered by Akismet
