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Posts under ‘Commentary’

AS&F Amendments

Due to the lack of interest shown towards assuming the Vice President of Finance position on the AS&F Board, that station is vacant. Willing individuals outside of the body have shown an interest in taking over this critical role; however, stipulations in the constitution (specifically Article IV. Section 2b.) prevent their participation. The striking of […]

The Establishment Clause

Will Cameron The Paw Print A little over two hundred years ago Thomas Jefferson and company were hacking out the documents that would help shape this fine land into the nation that it is today.  It is well recorded that the founding fathers of the United States may not have been role models for modern […]

ASC Police Department: To Protect and Serve

Dr. Joel Shults Chief of ASCPD Since 2007 ASCPD officers handle over 3500 requests for service every year and that does not count the work done by the CSAs (Campus Security Agent) workers. Last year ASCPD filed nearly 300 case reports that included two-dozen felony investigations, and forty arrests. Since the campus houses students and […]

Cause of Terror: Ron Paul Gets it Right

Dr. Mark Finney Assistant Professor of Mass Communication On Monday night the Republican presidential field faced each other in the first, ever CNN/Tea Party debate. Most of the arguments were what you’d expect to hear. We got the talking points on Social Security from Governor Perry, the anti-tax tirade from Michelle Bachmann, etc.

College Checkered

Brenda Fiueroa The Paw Print Welcome to my weekly column. My name is Brenda Figueroa-Gonzalez and I am a senior at Adams State College. College Checkered will be my way to share my experiences at ASC and to write about topics I find interesting that are relevant to all of us. My hope is that […]

Work or School?

Will Cameron The Paw Print Life is good in college.  Of course, we all bitch about it.  Doesn’t seem like much now, but I have a feeling the real world is going to be rough.  With 14 million people in the United States unemployed, what will students have to do to get work after school?  […]

Migrant Season Passes through the San Luis Valley

Melissa Grant Former Volunteer When I first started as a shelter volunteer, people were always saying to me “Just wait until migrant season.” When we served a big crowd for dinner, when we had a huge pile of laundry, when we had a full house – guests, community members, old volunteers, everyone – joined the […]

Students and Faculty Deserve University Status

David Svaldi ASC President For more than two years, Adams State has been contemplating changing its name to Adams State University. At the start of this academic year, our Board of Trustees set the debate to rest, voting 8-1 to pursue this name change. As Trustee Charles Scoggin said, “It is appropriate that Adams State’s […]

Faculty Art Opening at the Snook Gallery

Jose Orozco The Paw Print Every fall at Adams State College the Art Department hosts the Faculty Art Opening in the Snook Gallery. Faculty within the art department have their summer projects on display, but, it’s not just the faculty that have the spot light. over the summer students taking summer art studio courses are […]

Adams State University in the Making

Will Cameron The Paw Print Over the last four years, Adams State College has increased enrollment by 34 percent, a very impressive figure.   With three straight years of record high freshman classes, there is no doubt that the people in admissions and enrollment are doing their jobs. However, with so many students on campus, combined […] is powered by WordPress µ | Spam prevention powered by Akismet
