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Posts under ‘Commentary’

The Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol Act of 2012

Will Cameron The Paw Print In a country where OxyContin and Adderall are regularly distributed as prescription medication (and subsequently flipped for good profit and bad addictions), my mind is boggled by regulations that prohibit the use of marijuana, medical or otherwise.

Why a Flat Tax is Neither Flat nor Fair

Mark Finney Journalism Department In the last two weeks, two candidates for the Republican nomination for president have proposed to institute a flat tax in lieu of our current tax system.  Herman Cain’s 9-9-9 plan would impose a flat rate of 9 percent on just about everything and everyone and Governor Perry’s plan would impose […]

“Gasland” Examined Effects of Oil and Gas Drilling

Maddie Mansheim Communication Office “Frack no!” was the driving message that resonated throughout Carson Auditorium, during the screening of the Oscar nominated documentary Gasland by filmmaker Josh Fox, on Sept. 6. The presentation was available to the entire community and drew in students, Adams State faculty, citizens, and those who were simply concerned with the […]

Alamosa Community Gardens: Who do I Grow For?

Meghan Ibach Gardens Volunteer When I came here in February, I could not believe that plants grew here. The day I moved to Alamosa, the temperature gage read: 10 degrees, and that was the high. I was told, “If you can grow food here, you can grow food anywhere.” I liked that challenge, and believe […]

College Checkered: RAPPIN’ 2011 Conference Reminds RA’s to Begin with the End in Mind

Brenda Figueroa The Paw Print This past weekend, I was lucky enough to attend RAPPIN’ 2011 in Provo, Utah. This is a conference that is held every year for resident assistants all across the nation. Anna Dean, Alexandria Guthrie, Kellicia Morse, Jordan McHenry, Megan Hart, and Darius Czerny accompanied me.

Religion, Politics, and a “Certain German Chancellor”

David Mazel English Department In a spirited letter to last week’s Paw Print, Joel Shults argued that it’s perfectly acceptable, nay, desirable, for people of faith to bring their religious beliefs into the public sphere of political debate. I agree with Shults 100 percent. Of course, when we do mix faith and politics, we forfeit […]

Bears in Alamosa: Just Passing Through?

Will Cameron The Paw Print In recent weeks it seems that large, hairy predators have taken up residence in our beloved town of Alamosa.  While the bears usually appear reserved or skittish, cute and cuddly, this is not always the case. “2011 Colorado bear attacks” will get plenty of intriguing search results online, although some […]

A Brief History of Homelessness

Craig Denuyl La Puente Volunteer While homelessness has always existed, its dynamics have changed drastically in recent decades. Prior to the 1980’s the sight of people living in cars, on the streets, or out in the woods was a distant memory of the Great Depression.  With the advent of the Second World War, virtually all […]

It Doesn’t Matter What They’re Saying

Dr. Mark Finney Journalism Dept. Let’s forget a moment about what the Tea Party stands for. I’m not saying that we should forget about their ideology. It’s certainly important to them and I’m sure there is something we can all learn from it, but for the moment, just let it go. The same can be […]

Capital Punishment and the U.S. Legal System

Nathan Crites-Herren The Paw Print Although widely ignored by the corporate main stream media, the recent execution of Georgia death row inmate Troy Davis is yet another example of the inherently flawed, racist and broken US prison and justice system.  Outcry against the execution was diverse and widespread, organizations like the NAACP and Amnesty International […] is powered by WordPress µ | Spam prevention powered by Akismet
