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Posts under ‘Commentary’

Monsanto Claims Ownership of Genetically Modified Organisms

Nathan Crites-Herren The Paw Print   Perhaps the most perplexing subject surrounding modern day agriculture is the issue of genetically modified organisms (GMO), and how their use is affecting the future of food production and biodiversity. In early 1982, scientists at Monsanto, a multinational agricultural and Biotechnology Corporation, successfully engineered the first plant cells.  Five […]

Stories From the Milagros on Main Project

Stephany Nellessen La Puente Volunteer The Help Keep Milagros on Main Street campaign has received an astounding amount of support from the wider community. Together we have raised over $6,000 from over 100 donors, and there is still plenty of time to reach our goal of 250 individuals contributing $10 each to the purchase of […]

Navigating the Landscape of Diversity in Education

Jose Orozco The Paw Print Dr. Brenda Allen is associate dean of planning and initiatives and professor of Communications at the University of Colorado, Denver. She has been invited to speak for many different national conferences and workshops about her work in communication and equity. Allen was invited to Adams State to speak about equity […]

New ASC Portal Web Site Receives Mixed Reviews

Rachel Decker The Paw Print On Friday, Jan. 13, Adams State students logged onto the school’s website to find the newly released design. After a year of research, designing, and hard work, the Communications Staff released the new layout of

Election Fraud, The Real Problem Facing AmericanPolitical Systems

Dr. Mark Finney Associate Professor Mass Communication Thursday, Jan. 19, 2012: the Washington Post and NPR report that after all the votes were certified for the Republican caucus in Iowa, the winner was actually Rick Santorum, not Mitt Romney, as had been previously reported.

The Protester: The Quintessential Image of 2011

Nathan Crites-Herren The Paw Print Time magazine recently released its ”Person of the Year” edition, an annual segment that customarily focuses on well-known intellectuals, politicians and other notable individuals. In a rather unusual move, Time Magazine adorned its cover page with “The Protester.”  The cover page art portrays a sign wielding masked woman who seems […]

Costilla County Commissioner Martinez to Give ASC Commencement Address

Julie Waechter Press Release The 2011 San Luis Valley Person of the Year, Crestina Martinez, will address graduates at Adams State College’s commencement ceremony, to be held Saturday, Dec. 17, beginning at 10 a.m. in Plachy Hall. The college will award 45 associate’s degrees and 82 bachelor’s degrees. Martinez is a Costilla County Commissioner and […]

Learning to Stay Humble in a Competitive Society

Megan Smith The Paw Print Some times as college students we spend so much time focusing on reaching our goals and getting our degree that we forget one of the most important aspects of the college experience. Which is learning how to be humble. Humility is not something that comes naturally to most, especially in […]

Searching for Answers to the Gender Wage Gap

Toni Steffens-Steward The Paw Print I, like many others, have heard before about the gender gap, where women are paid less than men for the same work. Unfortunately, like many others, I hadn’t ever given it a lot of thought. I suppose the main reason that this information had never really affected me was that […]

College Checkered: A Few Thanks and Some Final Thoughts

Brenda Figueroa The Paw Print Final thoughts: Here’s to my last column of the semester! I have compiled a list of closing thoughts: To the wonderful ladies in my life: Thank you for giving me a chance to be a friend to you. It’s hard to find good lady friends. Especially for someone who’s used […] is powered by WordPress µ | Spam prevention powered by Akismet
