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Posts under ‘Commentary’

Help Keep Milagros on Main Street Project Continues Growing

Stephany Nellessen La Puente Volunteer To get involved in the Help Keep Milagros on Main Street Project stop by Milagros and donate, leave a comment, or sign our scrap book at our display box. Donations can be made online directly at–search “Keep Milagros on Main”. For more information and updates on the project check […]

Parental Vows to Shape Children for a Bright Future

Brenda Figueroa The Paw Print I know there are a lot of things as kids we vow to never do to our children when we’re parents. Most of them completely unrealistic, because you probably vowed these things when you were 10 years old, when you got denied a new pair of shoes or a video […]

Jobs or Environment: Keystone Oil Threatens Both

Nathan Crites-Herren The Paw Print Republicans and Democrats alike have sought to frame the Keystone oil pipeline has a massive job creation project which is being thwarted by “radical environmentalists.”  This habit of politicians to polarize oil issues has environment vs. jobs means that the issue of jobs generally wins out over environmental issues.  A […]

College Checkered: Lessons From Past Dating Experiences

Brenda Figueroa The Paw Print   I used to date a guy who would ask me at the end of every day, “are you happy?” He felt that if he were really doing his part in the relationship then the yes’s would outweigh the no’s. If there ever were no’s when he asked, he’d do […]

Banning of Books Represents a Close-Minded Nation

Rachel Decker The Paw Print   Books dealing with controversial topics have been under fire for decades now, causing conflict, strife, and confusion to many authors and readers. Books can be banned from schools for any number of reasons, ranging from violence, to witchcraft, to racial slurs. However, just because a book contains those things […]

Sandra Fluke and the Battle Over Contraception as Medicine

Jesse Russell The Paw Print Last week Sandra Fluke, a third-year Georgetown law student, testified in front of Congress regarding insurance covering the cost of contraceptives for women.  Fluke came to the Capitol as an advocate for women’s reproductive rights and not as a victim. Sandra Fluke, representing Law Students for Reproductive Justice (LSRJ) never […]

Undocumented Students Banned from Universities

Nathan Crites-Herren The Paw Print The state of Georgia, one of the 10 states up for grabs in the Republican presidential contest has been visited by the Republican candidate hopefuls throughout the past months hoping to win the state on Super Tuesday.  Newt Gingrich, the former speaker of the house appears likely to win Georgia.  […]

Important Life Lessons For a Life Actually Worth Living

Brenda Figueroa The Paw Print   Make your own adventure: Regardless of how trivial it is. Make an adventure out of it. Create a treasure map to the grocery store, make up a whole different identify for yourself at Starbucks, speak with a different accent for an entire day. Doesn’t matter what it is, just make it […]

Ice Cream May Lose It’s Taste With Repeated Consumption

Johnna Keever The Paw Print You eat it on a hot day, but if you eat it every day can it send signs to your brain like drugs? Research shows that ice cream and drugs have something in common.  With drugs the addictive feeling over time gets less pleasurable and a person craves it more […]

Let’s Not Pledge Allegiance to a Flag Representing Oppression

David Mazel English Department If you were at last fall’s commencement, do you recall the moment when Christians were asked to betray their beliefs? The moment when students were asked to show their loyalty to a foreign country? The moment when we were all asked to affirm white supremacy? is powered by WordPress µ | Spam prevention powered by Akismet
