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Posts under ‘Commentary’

The Heart of Service

Katie Stiel The Paw Print Jitters of anticipation embraced me when boarding the plane departing from Nashville, Tennessee to Denver, Colorado. Naturally, being the youngest of my family, I’ve always had a path to follow. After months of interviews and applications I fully trusted starting a year commitment in Alamosa as the best direction for […]

Successful Small Business, Networking and Keeping it Local

Megan Smith The Paw Print   Most of the time when thinking of business the idea is to think big. However, when living in a small rural community the idea is the exact opposite think small and keep it local. One important aspect of starting a small business is to have a niche. Some thing […]

Pesticide Related Bee Illness Threatens Food Security

Nathan Crites-Herren The Paw Print Over one-third of America’s food crop and countless other flowering plants have relied on an age old biological tradition, pollination.  At the helm of this essential process ensuring the future of flora has always been the honey bee, engaging in the sacred ritual which is the creation of new life. […]

Food Insecurity: Hunger in the Valley is Very Real

Devin Forest Cornwall La Puente Volunteer   When the word “hunger” is mentioned, especially in the context of education, many people imagine thirty second commercials featuring a group of malnourished children wearing oversized NFL t-shirts on some far off continent.  And although it’s true, there are great needs in these places to feed many mouths […]

NSA and Domestic Spying, an Orwellian Recipe

Nathan Crites-Herren The Paw Print   Bluffdale is nestled in in a bowl-shaped valley opposed on either side by Utah’s Wasatch Range to the east and the Oquirrh Mountains to the west.  It’s the heart of Mormon country, where the followers of Joseph Smith and later pioneer Brigham Young arrived more than 160 years ago.  […]

Teachers Frustration Grows Over Student Indifference

Rachel Decker The Paw Print Rows upon rows of impassive students stare up at the front of the classroom, expressions vacant and voices silent as their professor stands in front of them, waiting in patient silence for their requested response. “It’s really frustrating,” says one Adams State professor. “I spend my nights preparing discussions and […]

Stand Up In Silence April 20 to End GLBT Oppression

Jose Orozco The Paw Print Over the last month or so of print, several articles have been written around the issues of Gay Lesbian Bisexual and Transgender issues. These articles have included everything from the extremely high rates of suicide found among this group, to the institutionalized discrimination that was vividly demonstrated on Campus by […]

College Checkered: Breath. Calm Down. Relax.

Brenda Figueroa The Paw Print I know it’s easier said than done, but honestly, you need to. Just settle down. So many of my acquaintances, and even my friends are constantly worried about the future. “What if I don’t have a job,” “what if we don’t work out,” “what if she says no,” “what if […]

Invisible Children Far From Genuine Activisim

Nathan Crites-Herren The Paw Print The controversial video, “Kony 2012,” targets Joseph Kony and his Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) of Uganda. A group notorious for kidnapping children, forcing boys to become fighters, and using girls as sex slaves in Central Africa.  Released on March 5, it was viewed more than 100 million times online in […]

Gay Men Experience Institutionalized Discrimination

Nathan Crites-Herren The Paw Print For many, the act of donating blood is as simple as rolling up a sleeve.  But not for gay men, who have been barred from giving blood since 1983 due to a FDA mandate. The ban on gay men donating blood is a product of the HIV scare within the […] is powered by WordPress µ | Spam prevention powered by Akismet
