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Posts under ‘Commentary’

Is Anyone Ever Going to Be Safe From Criminals?

Amita Manandhar The Paw Print How safe are we? We all think we are safe in our own little houses and beautiful community but, how safe are we really? Even here in such small community like Alamosa there are events such as thefts and assaults. Just few months ago a female jogger was followed by […]

Speculations on the End of the World

Jake Hughes The Paw Print Now, I’m not sure if I’m on the right thought path or if I speak for anyone else when I say and think this; however, I bet it’s true that a few people at least think or have thought about this before or will think about it in the future. […]

La Puente Celebrates Growing Power

Jenna Kallestad So, there’s this guy. He’s an urban kid from Detroit, looks a little a rough, in his late teens, and he stands up in front of the crowd of a few hundred people and says timidly and simply that he’s been asked to share his writing. It’s a rap song that he’s written. […]

Participating in Special Interests Clubs is Fun

Arvilla Weldon Rotaract Advisor Dear Editor, Last week I submitted an article, but when it was rewritten it did not convey what I meant to say to show the ‘difference’ between joining a campus Special Interest Club and joining a campus Service Club. Special Interest Clubs are fun to belong to and I encourage students […]

The Familiar Feeling of Epiphany While Sleeping

Brenda Figueroa The Paw Print There’s that moment where its late at night, later than you usually stay up, and there is no sign that you’ll be getting sleepy any time soon. You feel like you’ve read the entire internet. Twice. In a desperate attempt to get sleepy you grab the book you’ve been trying […]

La Puente Finds Extra Room for Dinner Guests

Hannah Llika La Puente Volunteer As I returned from the Thursday morning City Market pickup, I could see the fence already filled up with migrant workers waiting to hear about the day’s work. My day had just begun, and like every other Thursday, I was wondering how I would manage getting all these donations inside- […]

College Checkered: What Exactly Do You Gain?

Brenda Figueroa The Paw Print From gossiping, belittling, and making fun of another person? Is there some kind of game count? Do you get passed Go and collect 200 dollars? Or does it somehow make you feel like a better person? In middle school/high school I’ve had my moment in a gossip circle where I’d […]

La Puente Sponsors H.O.P.E. Week to Educate

Katie Stiel La Puente Volunteer What is H.O.P.E. week, you might ask? The abbreviations of four letters formulating the loving word hope, stands for Homeless Organization for Promoting Education. The history for H.O.P.E. week formerly began by the Colorado Coalition for the Homeless in the early 1990s, HOPE week continues to live on in the […]

Social Media Turning Our Generation into Addicts

Jake Hughes The Paw Print Social networking has a choke hold on today’s society. So many people are obsessed with what other people are doing and saying that they spend outrageous amounts of time trawling around on social networks. Social networking is turning into an addiction that is plaguing our nation. People have a need […]

College Checkered: The Only Issue I have With Flirting

Brenda Figueroa The Paw Print Flirting is fun, we all do it. We love to be wanted and we adore being somebodies center of attention, nothing is wrong with that. My issue doesn’t deal with the act of flirting, my issue is with the amount of people its given to from one person and what […] is powered by WordPress µ | Spam prevention powered by Akismet
