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Posts under ‘Commentary’

With a Tongue Steadfastly Positioned in the Cheek

Erik Weinberg The Paw Print Why am I not the scholar of the week? By: Erik “The Destroyer” Weinberg He may not have “scholarships,” or “work ethic,” or a “2.5 GPA,” but he technically fits the definition of scholar, and makes up for his shortcomings by being a solid dude. According to’s second definition, […]

College Checkered: Can’t We Do Better?

Brenda Figueroa The Paw Print I’ve seen blogs made just to “Cyber-Bully” another user. Formspring is a welcome wagon to negative feedback, and it’s not just criticism that’s being tossed out there; but instead “You’re fat!” “You’re ugly!” “You can’t write!” “I wish you’d overdose!” Facebook is another contender for these kind of negative comments. […]

Vote for Alamosa Elementary in Clorox Education

Katie Stiel The Paw Print Jenna Kallestad La Puente Volunteer The fight against obesity and malnutrition in America is becoming exponentially more important as related health issues, as Type 2 Diabetes skyrocket across the country. La Puente’s Alamosa Community Gardens Program (ACG) seeks to address these issues with integrated, engaging school lessons for all students […]

College Checkered: Dear Young Girl, You are Beautiful

Brenda Figueroa The Paw Print You go about your day matching together outfits that resemble a touch of Rhianna, a dash of hipster, and a Nicole Richie headband. You thumb through websites, magazines, and blog sites seeing what you can create to make you look and feel beautiful. Not everyone can look like Beyoncé or […]

To Understand or Not To Understand is the Question

Amita Manandhar The Paw Print It is always interesting to see the work of other artists whether they are students or professionals. The fun thing about art is trying to figure out the ideas and concept behind the artwork. Every artist has a unique way of viewing things. When presented with a concept or theme, […]

A State of Dreaming That We Can All Master In Time

Jake Hughes The Paw Print What are dreams exactly?  A dream is a series of images, thoughts, or emotions passing through the mind during your sleep period. There are many reasons people think we humans dream the way we do. Ancient societies saw dreams as doorways for sending wisdom from the gods. In modern psychology, […]

Monster Mash 5k Hosted By San Luis Valley Groups

Katie Stiel The Paw Print From August 2011 to July 2012, The Food Bank Network served a total of 11,358 families, 10,146 men, 10,066 women and 13,922 children. Concluding with serving 11,358 households and providing 307,247 meals. This coming holiday season, the Food Bank Network of the San Luis Valley needs your support as you […]

All-In-One Package That Will Test iTunes Dominance

Jake Hughes The Paw Print Being a college student a lot of my time is spent on a PC, games console or Tablet performing some kind of tedious task or unwinding playing a game. Personally, I use the Xbox for most of my shows and movies; Netflix is a life saver in a small town […]

When Will We Take Action on Child Homelessness?

Katie Stiel The Paw Print A research study by the National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty estimates between 2.3 and 3.5 million people experience homelessness each year in America. Out of that estimate, did you know 32.7 percent of children in the San Luis Valley are living below the poverty line? Unemployment, dependency of […]

College Checkered: The Power of Indirect Speech

Brenda Figueroa The Paw Print Would you sugarcoat your words? When conversing with one another we try to project truth but how often is the bitter truth disguised as what they say, “ sugar coated pills?” In a direct conversation, the energies are fully conscious, regenerative and articulate, but there is a set of laws […] is powered by WordPress µ | Spam prevention powered by Akismet
