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Posts under ‘Commentary’

A Raging Brain or Simple Hardwiring from the Start

Jake Hughes The Paw Print Race has been an issue highlighted, fought over and debated about since humans first met each other.  From whites to the blacks, Asians to Africans, eastern Europeans to central Europeans, race has always been a catalyst for conflict over the course of history. Why do we look at color before […]

The Joys and Benefits of Growing Your Own Food

Claudia Ebel The Paw Print Have you ever tasted a real tomato? Nibbled on a carrot, crisp and sweet from the cool fall soil? Digging into gardening has opened me up to food quality I never before knew existed, and I’m not alone. The buzz around food issues, from food miles to organics, has brought […]

A Call to be Self Sufficient if There Ever Was One

Jake HughesThe Paw Print With the increasing demand for people to eat healthier and watch out for certain ingredients like gluten or trans fats, the increasing number of controversial topics that have risen in our supermarkets, both internationally and at home in the US, come to no surprise. When we speak of topics like this, […]

Without a Doubt 2013 Will be the Year for Gaming

Jake Hughes The Paw Print The past couple of years have been an exciting time for the technology world, with smartphones and tablets dominating the market. Phones are no longer just phones; they have become portable game devices with the addition of apps. However, since the release of Xbox 360 in 2005 and PS3 in […]

Pandemonium Spreads from Continent to Continent

Jake Hughes The Paw Print While the national debt crisis of the United States grows at a rate of $3.82 million per day, the European Union is said to be heading into a triple dip recession according to the Central European Bank. Even Europe’s most productive country, Germany, is under great threat of folding and […]

A Cassette and Ants on Mugs or Contemporary Art

Nicholas Spencer The Paw Print   First and foremost, I hope everyone had an eventful winter break. Mine was filled with alcohol and lost memories. If you were fortunate enough to pass your classes or maintain your job with the institution and come back this semester, you are in store for genuinely mediocre writing. Even […]

A Vision of Mystery and Wild New Expectations

Jake Hughes The Paw Print A new year is upon us, and who would have thought it? All that hype about 2013 and it turned out to start just like every other year. I’m not complaining, of course, because I’m grateful to still be buzzing around doing my own thing. But I must say I […]

College Checkered: Final Thoughts and Closing Statements

Brenda Figuero The Paw Print •           To the wonderful ladies in my life: Thank you for giving me a chance to be a friend to you. It’s hard to find good lady friends. Especially for someone who’s used to just hanging out with dudes. On a more specific note, I want to thank Anna Dean […]

La Puente Home

Erin Melody La Puente Volunteer   The San Luis Valley experiences a great deal of economic hardship due to its lack of job opportunities and geographic isolation, and in 2009, 20.5 percent of its residents were estimated to be below the poverty line. Homelessness has been a long running problem in this area, and many […]

Who Cares for the Students During Holiday Times

Nicholas Spencer The Paw Print Before Thanksgiving break, I heard the cafeteria was closing for Thanksgiving. How strange I thought. What about the students who live in the dorms and can’t cook a decent meal in their room? I was further informed the cafe is usually open during Thanksgiving break. With this small bit of […] is powered by WordPress µ | Spam prevention powered by Akismet
