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Posts on ‘April 17th, 2014’

Super Foods Can Help Students Like You

Jessica Shawcroft The Paw Print Every time the weather starts getting warmer and I want to be outside more, I tend to notice my weight. I have also noticed how bogged down I feel from the foods I am eating. I don’t think I’m alone; I researched super foods, ones that help us feel our […]

Mary Jane and Her Colorado Romance

Stephen Jiron The Paw Print Well it’s unavoidable; Marijuana is everywhere now. Ever since the smear campaign by tobacco that demonized marijuana, it’s been commonplace to expect those that partook in marijuana to hide it, keep it behind closed doors. Not only that but all the attention it still receives, negative and positive. Now seeing […]

The More You Pay, the More it’s Worth

Opinion by Dr. David Svaldi, President, Adams State University Some respected print and online publications have recently given a lot of attention to a report from PayScale, a salary comparison website, that purports to calculate the ROI – return on investment – of a degree from more than 1,300 U.S. colleges and universities. The resulting […]

IMPORTANT Heartbleed Update- All faculty, staff and students MUST change passwords by May 14th

As mentioned in last week’s email, Computing Services has now finished taking all actions to patch our systems due to the Heartbleed security vulnerability. Now that our systems are patched, ALL students and employees will be required to change their passwords. This is a direct result of the type of vulnerability that Heartbleed exposed. Your […] is powered by WordPress µ | Spam prevention powered by Akismet
