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Posts on ‘April 10th, 2014’
Computing Services Announcement regarding ‘Heartbleed’ vulnerability, please read!
As you may have already heard in the news, there is a massive security vulnerability called ‘heartbleed’ that is causing major havoc throughout the Internet. ASU Computing Services has already begun taking measures to eliminate the vulnerability on the servers that are affected. In order to fully finish securing our systems, there will be some […]
Does Instant Replay Deserve a Spot in Baseball?
Rachel heaton The Paw Print One of the more memorable moments in recent Major League Baseball history is the “28-out Perfect Game.” In MLB history, only 23 pitchers have thrown a perfect game, with no pitcher repeating the feat. A perfect game occurs when a pitcher throws a complete nine inning game without allowing a […]
Real Madrid C.F. Smashes Borussia Dortmund 3:0
Steven Petrov The Paw Print The Spanish giants from Madrid took their revenge against Dortmund for the last year’s loss at the Champions league ½ finals. Last year both teams met and furiously “fought” for a spot at the tournament’s final. However, after a 4:1 win in Germany, Dortmund loss only 2:0 in the second […]
Adams State Will Show Film “Training Rules” Wednesday
ALAMOSA (April 2) – The documentary, Training Rules, examines how women’s collegiate sports, caught in a web of homophobic practices, colludes in the destruction of the lives and dreams of many of its most talented athletes. Adams State University CIELO is sponsoring a free showing of the film at 6 p.m. Wednesday, April 16, in […]
Impactos Económicas de La Marihuana en Colorado
Nathan Crites-Herren The Paw Print El 7 de noviembre de 2000, los votantes de Colorado habían aprobado, con un ajustado 53,5%, una enmienda a la Constitución que autorizaba el uso de cannabis con fines médicos. Técnicamente se establecía una excepción a las leyes penales estatales. Los doctores podían “aconsejar” la marihuana a un paciente, que […]
Further Sanctions for Russia. Europe is Ready
Steven Petrov The Paw Print Angela Merkel: In Europe we are all different, but we are all united “The world should not doubt in Europe’s readiness to impose more severe sanctions on Russia, if the country keeps destabilizing Ukraine and causing more political and potential military conflicts.” The German chancellor Angela Merkel made this official […]
Cloyde Snook Exhibit Features Three Graduate Students’ Artwork
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT Linda Relyea (Institutional Advancement) 719-587-7827 Art Department 719-587-7823 ALAMOSA (April 7) – The Adams State University Cloyde Snook Gallery current exhibit, the Graduate Thesis Show, continues through April 18. A closing reception will be from 5 p.m. until 7 p.m. Friday, April 18, in the Art Building. The artists, Beth Collier-Fogdall, […]
15 people arrested in Ukraine after Hostile Takeover
Steven Petrov The Paw Print Large amounts of weapons and munitions were seized The Ukrainian security agency has officially announced the arrests of 15 people within the Luhansk region, located in the Eastern part of the country. The people who were arrested are charged in the preparation of military and hostile takeover of the government, […]