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Posts from ‘September, 2013’

Finding Meaning and Purpose in College Education

Pauline Vigil The Paw Print Why am I here? What is the meaning of college? What is my life’s purpose? These big questions are what many people have been asking for centuries. However, recently it is being acknowledged that college students are asking these big life questions and seeking the answers while in college. Everyone […]

Hannah Does Montana, Again, and Cyrus Chaos

Jessica Shawcroft The Paw Print By now I’m sure everyone has heard about Miley Cyrus’ VMA performance. I hadn’t heard anything about it until recently, while listening to the radio. I remember her as the sweet, young, and innocent Hannah Montana, given an acting job because of her dad’s fame. She dealt with her weekly […]

Harry Potter and Co off the Page and onto the Screen

Jessica Palacio The Paw Print We have all at some time gone to the movie theater and caught a movie that is based on some book or another. They span every genre from box office fantasy hits like the Lord of the Rings Trilogy and the Harry Potter series to the ultimate romances like The […]

ASU Track and Field Has Successful Meet Saturday

Kaymarie Jones The Paw Print Kayon Robinson put on stellar performance for the Grizzlies this past Saturday and proudly led the Adams State University track and field team towards the upcoming NCAA Outdoor Championship. On game day, Robinson recorded a national leading time of 23.45 seconds in the women’s 200m and ran a superb second […]


Baseball Friday, April 12 Away vs. Regis 3 p.m.    Denver, Colo. Saturday, April 13 Away vs. Regis Noon    Denver, Colo. Away vs. Regis 3 p.m.    Denver, Colo. Sunday, April 14 Away vs. Regis Noon    Denver, Colo. Softball Saturday, April 13 Away at Metro State Noon    Denver, Colo. Away at Metro State 2 p.m.    Denver, Colo. […]

Hope for Strong Rockies Season

Rachel Heaton The Paw Print Classes are screeching toward semester’s end, things around campus are starting to grow, and, for the most part, I can walk to class in the morning without seeing my breath. Yes, spring is certainly in the air, and with it comes my favorite time of year: baseball season. Year after […]

Humans or Ants? Who’s Really at the Zenith of Society

Tri-Beta Club As human beings we take pride in our ability to think, imagine, and reason. As such, we often place ourselves at the zenith of Aristotle’s scala naturae.  Why would we be anywhere but at the top of the animal hierarchy? After all we made the scale and claimed the top as our rightful […]

Lions, Tigers, and Digital Tattoos?! Oh Me! Oh My!

Jessica Shawcroft The Paw Print We all, most likely, know someone who has a tattoo; maybe they’re a close friend of ours or maybe just an acquaintance or someone we share a class with. We admire the artwork and ask for any reason or meaning to it, and then maybe we think about getting a […]

The Heart of La Puente Welcomes the New Year

Caitie Ryan-Norton The Paw Print The last few weeks around Adams State University have been a fairly quiet haven for the local mule deer. Slowly students, faculty, and staff have been trickling back to campus or joining the campus community for the first time. The first few weeks of the semester are sure to be […]

The Fine Art of Balancing School and Your Life

Pauline Vigil The Paw Print Every student who is trying to survive the riggers of work and school, while also trying to maintain a social life, has their methods of survival. “Catch up on sleep when you can.” – Faith Vigil Faith runs from class to work, and after work she hangs out with friends. […] is powered by WordPress µ | Spam prevention powered by Akismet
