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Posts on ‘September 12th, 2013’

Counting Your Turtles Before They Hatch

Tri-Beta Club Take a moment to imagine all the ocean animals you’d like to see. Your list might include whales, dolphins, sharks, giant octopi, and maybe sea turtles. If sea turtles are on the list, you’re definitely not alone. It’s estimated that tourists spend $1.25 billion dollars annually to see these majestic reptiles. There are […]

Horoscopes for the Week of September 8th-15th

Madam Shawcroft The Paw Print Aquarius 01/20-20/18 We all face intimacy issues at some point, but this week you’ll begin to attack yours in the most pragmatic way possible. A new moon on Thursday will fall in your 8th deep house transformation. This will touch on physical and emotional resources you share with someone close. […]

Lifeway Lecture Series Continues Through September

ALAMOSA (September 9) – The Adams State University Title V Hilos Culturales invites community members to the free lecture series, “Lifeways of the San Luis Valley,” at 7 p.m. Tuesdays through September in McDaniel Hall room 201. On September 10, Dr. Devon Peña, a lifelong activist in the environmental justice and resilient agriculture movements and […]

La Puente Invites You to Visit the Volunteer Fair

Caitie Ryan-Norten The Paw Print If you are interested in volunteering this semester or are a part of a group or class that encourages or requires volunteer projects, you should check out some of the many opportunities at La Puente. There will be a La Puente booth at next week’s Volunteer Fair, so feel free […] is powered by WordPress µ | Spam prevention powered by Akismet
