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Posts from ‘September, 2012’

ASU Theatre Preview of 2012 and 2013 Season

Ryan Dufresne The Paw Print Adams State University’s Theatre Program has officially kicked off their year with their first production, Nickel and Dimed. This show answers the age-old question, “can a middle-aged, middle-class woman survive, when she suddenly has to make beds all day in a hotel and live on $7 an hour?” This question […]

Scholar of the Week: September 6

Rachel Decker The Paw Print Ashley Setzer, a hard-working 19-year-old, Adams State sophomore, comes in as Student Scholar of the Week. Setzer, a Sociology major, has been striving hard and putting in her best effort into achieving the goals she sets for herself. “I really want to make myself proud,” Setzer says. “College was my […]

Computing Services Maintenance Activities for Thursday, September 6, 2012

Greetings from the Computing Services Department. Now that the initial rush from the beginning of the semester has subsided, Computing Services must perform some key, critical maintenance and security patching to various campus systems to ensure their continued security and availability. The following maintenance activities will take place during our regularly scheduled maintenance window: -All […]

Facilitation Observation Analysis: Coronado BCD Staff Meeting

The Coronado Hall BCD staff met on Monday, August 27th, 2012 at 7pm. This meetings objective was to address certain issues, give reminders, discuss events and progress, determine duty hours, and deal with other forms of business while encouraging our staff and working toward the goal of bettering ourselves and the lives of our residents. […]

Meeting Observation; Obama campaign by Tanisha Thomas

You would think for an internship campaigning for the election of president Obama each personal would be put into a nice hotel for the weekend nights, staying in Denver. Although this was proven incorrect after being put into hotel and hostel on 11th avenue and Broadway. The hotel was a disaster, if anyone has seen […]

Assignments Descriptions

Executive Reports (10 points each)   For each unit of instruction, each student is required to turn in an executive report to reflect both a culmination of goals, events, actions, and strategies for that time period as well as an element of reflection in regard to working with groups and personal development through project management.  […] is powered by WordPress µ | Spam prevention powered by Akismet
