Lance Hostetter The Paw Print About a year ago I wrote a column centered on the basic idea of John Donne’s “Meditation 17.” In the meditation, Donne writes a rather poignant paragraph pondering the loss of human life and the correlation to the rest mankind: “No man is an island, entire of itself; every man […]
Posts from ‘May, 2011’
Bin Laden Death Celebration Inappropriate, Hypocritical
James Williams The Paw Print On Sunday evening, an undeniable sense of relief washed over the majority of the nation as President Obama announced that Osama bin Laden had been killed in Pakistan. That sense of relief is justified. Clearly, he was an evil man who celebrated violence against any and all whom he deemed […]
Dr. Parks Gives Last Advice Before Retiring
Samantha Saville The Paw Print Dr. Clarence Parks, professor of sociology, is retiring after 28 years at Adams State College. Dr. Parks was raised in Texas around the Houston area and received his undergraduate degree from Sam Houston State University and his master’s degree from Steven F. Austin University. Dr. Parks was not originally going […]
ASC’s Dirty Little Column with the Delicious Drs. Love
Dr. Chocolate Thunder and Professor Vanilla Lightning are not real doctors or mental health professionals. Their advice should not be taken seriously. Dear DLC, A few months ago this guy I was really into drunkenly hooked up with one of my good friends. The next morning he asked me to buy her the morning after […]
Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare’s Play Hits ASC’s Stage
Jessie Harper The Paw Print Last week, Romeo and Juliet, one of the most famous plays written by William Shakespeare came to Adams State College’s Main Stage. The dates of the play are April 29 and 30, May 5, 6, and 7 at 8 p.m. and May 8 at 2 p.m. The music score will […]
End of Semester Events Bring Excitement to Adams State Campus
Toni Steffens The Paw Print The final weeks of the spring semester are an exciting time for Adams State College many students are preparing for their graduation and others are making preparations to return in the fall. Graduation
Adams State Honors Students’ Oustanding Academic Achievement
Pictured, Adams State College President David Svaldi, second from right, congratulates students who received a 4.0 GPA in either, or both, 2010 fall and spring semesters. Students included, left to right, Laura Hopkins, Trevor Schmidt, Hye-Jin Piper, Zach Lewis, Sarah Culler, Kara Trujillo, Laurel Heimstra, and Daleth McCoy. Linda Relyea Adams State College Adams […]
U.S. Special Forces Raid bin Laden Complex, Kill Terrorist
Anthony Guererro The Paw Print Nearly 10 years after the horrid tragedy that took place in New York City on September 11, 2001, President Barack Obama announced Sunday evening that Osama bin Laden had been killed by US forces in Pakistan. Osama bin Laden was the leader of the terrorist group Al Qaeda, a group […]
ASC Employee Contributes to ‘Three Cups’ Controversy
Lance Hostetter The Paw Print Masood Ahmad sits quietly in his third story office overlooking the northern Adams State College campus. His office walls are lined with children’s drawings; his desk, unlike many college faculty members, is well kept, with a single laptop and a few small stacks of paper. Ahmad, like his office, […]
NFL Lockout Now More Likely Than Ever
Jesse Medina The Paw Print Football is one of the most popular sports in the entire world. One could go about anywhere and find some trace of NFL regalia. Super Bowl Sunday itself has become a national holiday, effectively shutting down most of America.