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Posts under ‘Information’

Inspiring, Outstanding, Excellent: Faculty Awards a Success

The annual AS&F Faculty Awards was held on April 13, 2011 at the Blue Foxx in Alamosa.  The theme of the evening was “Inspiring, Outstanding, Excellent;”  the nominees this year seemed to truly characterize these words according to the students who nominated them.  Thank you to all of the students who took the time to nominate […]

Winding Down the Year: Reminders

Wow!  It is almost summer time for ASC, only a few more weeks! AS&F wants to take the opportunity to remind everyone of a few things that are still going to be happening before the end of the year.  As always, we welcome and appreciate your feedback and participation! Elections for the 2011-2012 AS&F Government are […]

Hello Students!

Welcome to Adams State College Blogs. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

AS&F Government Elections for the 2011-2012 Year

AS&F is looking for great leaders to run for both Legislative and Executive Postitions for next year!  Packets for both positions are below.  If you have any questions or would like more information about position duties feel free to contact us, or stop on by the office!  All students, faculty, and staff are encouraged and […]

We want to hear from you!

AS&F would like to open an invitation to see what you would like to see the same or different for next year!  Feel free to leave a comment here, on our Facebook, or to our email Here are some ideas that have already been noted as ideas.  NOTE: These are simply ideas, and a […]

Important Updates to the Quarterly Process

AS&F is getting back into the swing of things and working hard to ensure that we are meeting your requests to continually improve and make the quarterly process a little easier everytime.  Here are some important reminders and updates for the 3rd quarterly that is coming up on February 21st. **UPDATE** In addition to submitting […]

Happy Holidays and Friendly Reminders from AS&F

Only one more week Adams State!  Whether it’s your first, last, or somewhere in between semester, CONGRATS on making it through!   Now, it’s time for just the last leg of the semester, and it’s Winter Break time! Now for some friendly reminders…. The AS&F Office will be closed for Winter Break December 20, 2010, and […]

Presenting: From Daunting to Prepared

Presenting a bill or an idea before any group can be a daunting task;  for those of you planning on presenting to AS&F Government, we wanted to help you feel more prepared and like you can breath a little easier before your presentation  with some tid-bits of advice for presenting:  Practice, and make sure that whoever from your group […]

AS&F hears feedback and ideas from ASC Faculty

On Monday, November 1st, AS&F Executive Board held an open forum for faculty only to discuss feedback, and ideas for the year.   AS&F has the greatest appreciation for the faculty who took the time out of their day to sit down with us and offer us such valuable insight and feedback.  Your opinions will not […]

AS&F & Clubs Joins Pizza Hut in The Fight to End World Hunger

AS&F has joined forces with the local Alamosa Pizza Hut in The Fight to End World Hunger.  Six AS&F clubs have chosen to fundraise monies for the cause, and all donors will recieve a coupon for a free personal pan pizza from the local Pizza Hut.  Be on the lookout for these students to join […] is powered by WordPress µ | Spam prevention powered by Akismet
