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Posts under ‘Information’

Spring 2016 Green Home Design Course Enrollement

Interested in learning more about sustainable home design? Please see the press release below for more information on a course organized by Natural Power and ASU Community Partnerships that will be offered this fall for students and interested community members:   FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE MEDIA CONTACT: Mary Hoffman, (719) 587-7372; Chuck Reel, (719) 379-0672 GREEN […]

Committee for Library Hours

A student committee is being formed regarding the decreasing library hours. This committee will seek ways for student voice to be heard regarding this issue and will aim to enact change so that the library may be  open more hours. If you are interested in getting involved with this committee, please email us at and we will […]

ASU Announces Guaranteed Tuition

Exciting news for Adams State! Beginning in fall 2016, undergraduate students enrolled in on-campus classes will be guaranteed NO tuition increase for four consecutive years of enrollment. ASU is the first institution in Colorado to institute such a policy! Find more information here.

AS&F Discussion: Persona Non Grata Policy

President McClure will be available at the AS&F Senate meeting Monday, 11/23, 6PM, in BUS 142 to discuss the Persona Non Grata policy and the relating issues. All are welcome. She will make this discussion as transparent as possible. Please come if you have any questions, concerns, or comments.

Glass Recycling Update

Glass recycling on campus is moving again. Hopefully, this will be an easier location for you to find. As of Monday, November 9th, you can drop off your glass in the white greenhouse on East Campus. It’s by the Campus/Community Gardens on the northeast side of East Campus. Please sort into brown, green, and clear. […]

Urban Green Space & Mental Health

Can spending more time in nature or urban green spaces improve mental health? The following popular press article highlights findings from peer-reviewed literature that suggest that a simple walk in a natural setting may reduce stress and help individuals focus on mental tasks. With the trend of urban centers growing at an accelerated rate compared […]

New AEDs on Campus Thanks to AS&F Campus Impact Fund

AS&F has been highlighted in the ASU News Blog for having funded the purchasing of 7 new AEDs for campus! Check out the article here. Thank you to all who made this possible for our campus, along with all other projects funded by our first CIF process of the fall semester!

Glass Recycling – Updated Location

The glass recycling trailer has moved. It’s now on the southwest corner of the ropes course, southeast of the soccer fields, in the northwest corner of the Lutheran Church parking lot, and at 37d28’36.42″N 105d52’44.70″W for those of you who would like to make it an exercise in geocaching. Please remember to sort by color […]

Apply to be this semester’s Student Commencement Speaker!

If you have been an active member of the ASU community throughout your years on campus and feel that you are the right person to speak on behalf of your graduating class, this is the opportunity for you! To apply to become the speaker for December Commencement, please find the link to the application by clicking […]

15-16 Senators

The following is the list of our current Senators for the 15-16 academic year. If you are looking to get involved or have your voice be heard in AS&F, these are some great people to talk to! And as always, if you want to become a Senator yourself, it is not too late. Drop by […] is powered by WordPress µ | Spam prevention powered by Akismet
