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Posts under ‘Information’

2016-17 EBoard Appointed Positions

At last night’s Senate meeting, Senate approved the appointments for VP of Finance, Secretary, and Chief Justice. VP of Finance – Alex Lopez Secretary – Brenna Rivale Chief Justice – Aaron Davis Congrats to all of those who will be serving on the executive board next year and thanks to all involved in AS&F for […]

Brett’s Final Blog

Getting Back from Mexico was like waking up from a wonderful dream.  I was extremely sad when we left, and I just kept wishing we could go back and stay longer. It was a trip where I could forget myself and experience how other people live, their culture and what they do on a day-to-day […]

Brett’s Final Blog

Getting Back from Mexico was like waking up from a wonderful dream.  I was extremely sad when we left, and I just kept wishing we could go back and stay longer. It was a trip where I could forget myself and experience how other people live, their culture and what they do on a day-to-day […]

Final reflection by Darling

This year, I was able to participate in this wonderful 2016 ASB trip to Bahia de Kino, Sonora, Mexico. It was truly a great experience that brings me joy and great memories every time I talk about it. There are so many memories/snapshots that linger in my mind.    One that I will always have […]

Final Reflection by Elena

The rush of waves created by an island breeze…sand squishing between your toes… the sound of seagulls overhead… Life is a Beach. Life is more than what one makes it, because no two paths are the same. Mexico enlightened my spirit as the land unraveled my mind, and let it soar free! I was unsure […]

Some Photos from our Experiences.

A Jewelry making enterprise at Casa Franciscana with single moms and widows  Rocking that white paint!   Painting in the bedroom… …and the living room and kitchen! Hearing all about Familias Unidas.Visiting a Familias Unidas home.

Final Reflection, by Chelsie Smith

Back to It It has been so hard to get back into the routine of things coming back from ASB!  Mexico was a great learning experience for me. I learned about many social justice issues. Of course one was the border, but there were so many more. I was very emotional throughout our journey, and […]

2016-17 Election Results

The results are in from the 2016-2017 AS&F Elections that were held this week.  A total of 411 votes were received and the results are as follows: President:  Patrick Cleary Vice President of Internal Affairs:  Brittany Wilson Vice President of External Affairs:  John Owsley HAPPSS Senator:  Sean Erice We will announce the appointments for VP […]

Final Reflection by Bennie Chacon.

When I started this journey, I asked myself 8 questions. What will I see?  I saw the joy and happiness in the faces of the 12 people I traveled with.  It didn’t matter that we had been in a crowded van for 6 hrs on two-lane highway with construction.  I saw the contentment in Marisa’s […]

Final Reflection By Soledad Dominguez

We all made a difference! This ASB experience will be unforgettable for many of us. I am sure words cannot explain enough about the involvement, the emotions, the eye openings, the social justice issues, etc., we all had during this trip. So much can happen in just a week. We all are a group of […] is powered by WordPress µ | Spam prevention powered by Akismet
