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Posts under ‘Features’

Horoscopes for the Week of November 14th-20th

Madam Shawcroft The Paw Print Aquarius 01/20-02/18 Never put off till tomorrow, what you can do today. Unless, of course, it’s something that doesn’t really need to be done at all. In which case, postpone it, leave it, ignore it, and proudly announce that you are not going to do it until or unless you […]

Problems of the Past Or Problems of the Future?

Nicole Schafer The Paw Print One of the biggest problems schools all around the country are trying to target is bullying. In elementary school it is merely referred to as bullying but as the children age and go into higher education, its name morphs into harassment and discrimination. Many laws in the United States prevents […]

~ Open Minds ~

Dear Musical Maiden and Doodads, A friend of mine is in love with me, but I’m in love with a boy who hardly knows I exist. I don’t want to hurt my friend, but I don’t feel the same about him and I want this boy to notice me. What do I do? Sincerely, Love […]

Slam Dunk Video Goes Viral

ALAMOSA (November 8) – During a slam dunk contest, Joshua Kioh, Adams State University sophomore, performed an alley oop, raced up and jumped high, spun in a 360 and slammed dunked the ball – bringing the audience to their feet. Kelly Hillick, Adams State senior, caught it all on film. Hillick, an intern for the […]

ASU Human Performance Lab Open for Community

ALAMOSA (October 31) – The Adam State University Human Performance and Physical Education Department (HPPE) welcomes the community to a variety of affordable fitness tests. Testing will be located in the Human Performance Lab room 106, located in the East Campus Building. Dr. Tracey Robinson, professor of HPPE, and graduate assistants Clayton Foster and Maria […]

Artificial Blood? The Next Medical Miracle?

Miranda Mattson The Paw Print There have been blood shortages around the world. In the U.S. specifically, a transfusion is needed every two seconds, and over 41,000 pints of blood are needed every day. Roughly 38% of Americans can donate and only 10% actually do, thus creating a massive shortage. Hospitals have to put patients […]

New Clothing Line as Rape Defense

Nicole Schafer The Paw Print AR Wear is a new clothing line that is being invented to help prevent sexual assaults and rapes. The fundamental goal was to offer some peace of mind in situations that cause feelings of apprehension, such as going out on a blind date, taking an evening run, “clubbing,” traveling in […]

A Few Things You Want to Know About Drinking

Nicole Schafer The Paw Print Okay, we all know it: a lot of us like to party. And a lot of our encounters on the weekend outside academics are alcohol related. Drinking can be fun in the moment but it can have devastating effects on our health. Did you know?: 1,825 students die each year […]

How to Participate in Student Scholar Days

DR Charles Saenz The Paw Print Are you working on an exciting project in a course? Do you have a provocative intellectual idea that you would like to share with the campus community? Have you considered pursuing advanced study in graduate school? Consider taking part in Student Scholar Days! Student Scholar Days is an annual […]

ASU Willis Fassett Jr Award Recipients are Ron and Marilyn Loser

Linda Relya ASU Communications Office ALAMOSA (October 28) –Entering Ron ’65 and Marilyn ’86 ’87 Loser’s home arouses all the senses. A cowbell clangs as the front gate swings open, announcing guests. Stepping along a weathered boardwalk, visitors gaze at the immense and diverse garden stretching out past the tall blue house. Ron slides open […] is powered by WordPress µ | Spam prevention powered by Akismet
