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Posts under ‘Features’

Focus on These Foods for a Good Mood

Steven Petrov The Paw Print The food that we consume doesn’t only represent an inseparable and incredibly important part of our physical health but also influences our emotional state. This in turn determines our whole mood throughout a certain period of time. If you feel under some stress, frustration, or depression, this article will show […]

“Why Do You Keep Sexy Safe” Colorado Safe Sex Campaign

Kailie Hartman The Paw Print Between 2009 and 2011, the birth rate in Colorado dropped 14 percent for women aged 20 to 24 years. This means that Colorado’s unplanned pregnancy rate is dropping.’s campaign “Just Talk About It” is helping give out relevant and accurate information regarding contraceptives, STD’s, pregnancy, and basic sexual health. […]

Letter to Students

Dear Students of Adams State University: Let me ask you a stupid question: Are you tired of tuition increasing every year, and of financial aid becoming harder to qualify for? Next week you will have the chance to tell the Colorado Commission on Higher Education (CCHE) just how this situation impacts you. The CCHE is […]

Health To-Go, Debunking the Myth of the Freshman 15

Jessika Vandivier The Paw Print Myth: The “freshman 15” is only a thing when you are a freshman. Fact: You can get fat at any point in college. As many of you readers know, staying healthy in college is not always the easiest task. According to a study done at the University of Alabama, seventy […]

2014 Southern Colorado Film Festival

Danny Ledonne The Paw Print The 2014 Southern Colorado Film Festival was held September 11-14th and featured independent films from all over the world including student films, short and feature length documentaries, and short narrative films.  Countries represented included the United States, Mexico, Scotland, and New Zealand.  Approximately 180 people from Adams State, community members, […]

“El Grito de Mexico!”

Brenda Perez The Paw Print El Grito de Mexico, que es el grito y porque lo selebramos todos los anos. Es la independencia de México que fue dada en Septiembre 16 Del año 1810. Cuando el Grito de Dolores fue gritado por Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla  comenzó la guerra contra España. Esto paso cuando Hidalgo […]

Learn More About the Last Colorado Grizzly Bear Attack on Ed Wiseman

ALAMOSA (September 9) – Thirty-five years ago, Ed Wiseman was attacked by the last Colorado Grizzly Bear. On the anniversary of the attack, the Adams State University Nielsen Library will host author Deb Carpenter-Nolting, “Grizzly Attack in Colorado,” and Wiseman. The talk will begin at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 23, in the Nielsen Library second […]

Schilling’s Drawings Included In International Art Show

ALAMOSA (September 12) – Adams State University Professor of Art Eugene Schilling was one of 16 artists invited from Colorado to participate in the show, “From Here and There: Drawings from Colorado and Wales.” This exhibition is part an international exchange of contemporary drawings between artists in Colorado and Wales. The show was first exhibited […]

Veritas: The Art of Studying

Evan Gibson Is it any surprise that studying leads to higher grades? With the semester underway, it might be time to start improving on your academic life. According to the Office of Academic Success at Dartmouth University, next to simply attending class, no other technique has proven to be as useful in improving grades as […]

Gift of Life Bone Marrow Foundation Helps Save Lives…One Check Swab at a Time!

Nate Handley Boca Raton, FL- College students are notorious for giving back to their communities- on and off campus. The impact of college student volunteerism on the community and the volunteers themselves is tremendous. Volunteering gives students a sense of pride in their campus and communities, an intrinsic reward of helping someone in need, and […] is powered by WordPress µ | Spam prevention powered by Akismet
