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Posts under ‘Features’

Abeyta Will Read From His Latest Book on December 11

ALAMOSA (December 1) – When an idea for a poem, prose, or letter sparks, Aaron Abeyta captures the creative impulse writing with a green ink pen on a manila folder. One of his favorite writers, Pablo Neruda, wrote with green ink and “manila folders are light and rigid if I need to write on my […]

Test Taking Methods; What Works Best for You?

Ali Rivera  The Paw Print Finals are approaching! That means a whole week full of tests. However, there are many different strategies that you can keep in mind for when you’re taking your final or for a future test. These methods are supposed to improve your test taking skills and improve your grades when testing. […]

It’s a Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play is a Sweet Holiday Treat

A review by Linda Relyea  ALAMOSA (December 5) – Is there a more miserly and wicked man than the character, Mr. Potter in It’s a Wonderful Life, even Ebenezer Scrooge redeems himself at the end. And could there be a more selfless and compassionate man than George Bailey, who surrenders his own youthful enthusiasm and […]

Holiday Travel Tips to Get You Home Happy and Safe

Ali Rivera  The Paw Print The semester is almost up, which means there are going to be a lot of you traveling home, or going on a trip, etc. Here are some tips to help you before and throughout your journeys. Make a checklist! Before you start packing you want to make a checklist. This […]

Health To-Go: Keeping in Shape for Christmas

Jessika Vandivier  The Paw Print Happy Holidays readers! We are rounding the corner to the commencement of our winter break, and Christmas is raging in right behind it. This is the time of the year where family and friends gather together and enjoy the company of those they love. It is the season to be […]

Study Tips and Tricks to Help You Ace Finals Weeks

Ali Rivera  The Paw Print Finals are around the corner and that mean hours and hours of studying, which means you need some tips to help you study effectively. Stay organized! When you’re in class and taking notes, make sure you keep all your notes in the same place that way you can find all […]

How to Make Your Dorm Feel Like Home

Ali Rivera The Paw Print Some students come to college and live on campus in the dorms. However, the dorms can be a small and uncomfortable to live in. Some say that living in the dorms isn’t like living at home due to the limited amount of space and the lack personality and hominess it […]

North River Greenhouse Announces Expansion

Shelby Rushing  The Paw Print Attention all: North River Greenhouse is expanding and moving closer to town.  Their new location will be on State Street, right across from Amerigas, giving us something all to look forward to in the spring.  Currently, the company is in the process of constructing the new buildings for the premises […]

Grizzlies Advice by Mr. Optimist

Dear Mr. Optimist, I’m having a problem with one of my roommates/friends. He is a great guy and everything, but he just has some bad habits (mostly with hygiene).  He just sometimes wreaks of B.O to where I’m at the point of being nauseated and almost puking from just the smell. He doesn’t brush his […]

Which is Really Worse for Your Health? Marijuana or Alcohol

Ali Rivera  The Paw Print Living in Colorado brings up the subject of marijuana. We all have heard the facts and have seen the people preach about how medical marijuana can benefit some. However a big question that is floating around is how is marijuana any different than alcohol regarding the health, safety, and crime? […] is powered by WordPress µ | Spam prevention powered by Akismet
