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DHE Awards Adams State Grant for Concurrent Enrollment Teaching Initiative

ALAMOSA, COLO. (Jan. 14, 2015) . . . Teachers and, ultimately, students in rural Colorado will benefit from a Colorado Department of Higher Education (CDHE) grant awarded to the Adams State University Foundation to support the Concurrent Enrollment Teaching Initiative. The $100,000 grant will cover tuition costs for qualified educators throughout the state who wish […]

Apple’s Supremacy in the Technology Market

Steven Petrov The Paw Print 34,000 iPhones/hour Never before has a single company ever made that much profit for such a short period of time like Apple did in the last three months. On January 27th Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO, announced that the company’s net income for the last quarter was $18 billion. This breaks […]

Grizzlies Advice by Mr. Optimist

Hey Mr. Optimist, I am straight up having problems with this guy. We met and hung out and things seemed like they were going well. However, now communication between us is limited, almost non-existent, and I can’t help but think I did something wrong. How do I go about dealing with this situation and/or confronting […]

“What is Wrong With Me?”

Rebecca Carey  The Paw Print “We Should Hang Out Sometime” takes the readers on the journey of Josh Sundquist’s life from middle school at age 13 to after grad school at age 25. In his book, readers can see his life through his eyes and through his experiences; readers are allowed to understand Sundquist better. […]

Test Your Fitness Level at the ASU Human Performance Lab

ALAMOSA (January 20) – The Adams State University Human Performance and Physical Education Department (HPPE) continues to offer the community a variety of affordable fitness tests. Testing will be located in the Human Performance Lab room 106, located in the East Campus Building. Dr. Tracey Robinson, professor of HPPE, and graduate assistants, Lukus Klawitter Cody […]

Gemstone Collection Donated to Adams State Art Dept.

ALAMOSA, COLO. (Jan. 13, 2015) . . . Adams State University art students will be able to add more bling to their jewelry creations, thanks to Jim Miles and Claudia “Curtis” Ramsay, who donated a collection of gemstones valued at $60,000 for student use. This was the Boulder couple’s second such donation to Adams State; […]

Adams State Art Education Students Work with PALS

ALAMOSA (December 2) – Elementary-aged students in the PALS program visited the Adams State University Art Education class twice in November to create art and build a community from recycled materials. Jenny Gawronski, assistant professor of art, teaches the art education courses. Working with PALS (Positive Activities Lead to Success) provides the Adams State students […]

It is Tamale Time at ASU C.A.S.A. Center

Brittany Moore  The Paw Print On November 20, the Adams State University Cultural Awareness and Student Achievement (C.A.S.A.) Center hosted It’s Tamale Time, a heritage event planned to celebrate Mexican Revolution Day and cultural custom of making homemade tamales. Students, staff, faculty and community were invited to partake in the experiential cooking activity of learning […]

Roller Derby

Interested in finding SOMETHING as unique as YOU?  Are you a girl, 18 or older and wanna play rough with other women?  Then we have the sport for you!  The SLV Scarlet Rollers are the first Women-only Roller Derby team in the Valley and WE WANT YOU! Roller derby is fast, fun, action-packed, and did […]

Relieving Anxiety the Natural Way! Destress Before Finals

Ali Rivera  The Paw Print Finals are coming up! And that comes with anxiety. However during the crazy week of finals there are several different methods that can help you cope with your anxiety using natural methods. Drink green tea! According to research shows that there is an acid in green tea called L-theanine, […] is powered by WordPress µ | Spam prevention powered by Akismet
