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Posts under ‘Dirty Little Column’

Adams State College’s Dirty Little Secret Column With the Dr. Love’s

Dr. Goodlove and Professor Toughlove are not real doctors or mental health professionals. Their advice should not be taken seriously. Dear DLC:  My boyfriend has cheated on me in the past.  Recently he re-added his ex as a Facebook friend and has been chatting with her.  I asked him to delete her and stop but […]

The Paw Print’s Dirty Little Secret Column with the Love Doctors

Dr. Goodlove and Professor Toughlove are not real doctors or mental health professionals. Their advice should not be taken seriously. Dear DLC:  My girlfriend always texts me 10 minutes before we’re supposed to meet up and tells me she’s going to be late.  WTF?

The Paw Print’s Dirty Little Secret Column

Dr. Goodlove and Professor Toughlove are not real doctors or mental health professionals. Their advice should not be taken seriously. Dear Students:  We are Dr.’s Goodlove and Toughlove. We write a weekly advice column called The Dirty Little Column. This is your opportunity to send us questions about sex, drugs, and rock and roll.  OK, […]

Dirty Little Column: April 29

Dear DLC: Please help me figure out what to do about my girlfriend. I like her   and all, but good Lord–first, she’s always asking me if I love her. I believe in honesty, so I always tell her no, I just think she’s super-hot and that I love to have sex with her, and […]

Dirty Little Column April 15

Dear DLC:  I just found out that my ex-boyfriend has been going around telling everyone that I have an STD so that no one will go out with me anymore.  What an A-hole!  What do I do?  DTL: Let me just say that I absolutely agree, what an A-hole!  Hopefully you have some really good […]

Dirty Little Column: April 7

Dear  DLC:  My roommate has a girlfriend who drives me crazy.  Not only is she at our place all the time, but when she does come over she helps herself to the fridge and eats all (and I do mean ALL) the food.  

Dirty Little Column: April 1

Dear DLC:  Where is the best place on campus to have semi-public sex?  We like the adventure but we don’t want to get caught.

Dirty Little Column

Dear DLC: So, I asked my partner the other night what her biggest sexual fantasy was, and she told me.  Now I’m slightly grossed out but I don’t know how to tell her. DTL:  Here’s a stupid question, why would you ask someone something that might gross you out?  Or did it just not occur […]

Dirty Little Column

Dear DLC:  My boyfriend is very metro, wears eyeliner when he goes out, and has a little mermaid poster on his wall.  Past week or so, he has TURNED ME DOWN FOR SEX!!!! Is he gay? DGL:  I don’t know, have you asked him?  He’s probably the only one who can tell you if he’s […]

Dirty Little Column

Dear DLC:  So I just found out that the girl I’ve been seeing for three months ran a background check on me before we went out the first time.  I feel violated and offended.  Why would she do that? DGL: I wasn’t aware that this sort of thing was available for the common person. Where […] is powered by WordPress µ | Spam prevention powered by Akismet
