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Posts under ‘Commentary’

Relationships: More Communication or Less?

Richard Flamm The Paw Print Sure it sounds like a given: it’s the opening line to every relational self-help book, and first on the lips of counselors – communication is key. But, anyone who’s been in a relationship will note the tendency to avoid unhindered forthrightness. Questions like, “do you think she’s pretty?” or “do […]

Midterm Stress Hits Adams State Campus

Jessica Shawncroft The Paw Print We all know stress isn’t good for us; the ramifications on our physical and emotional state can last a lifetime! So what can you do to limit stress? I’m sure we all have thoughts of Spring Break. With it only being two weeks away, who wouldn’t? But before Spring Break […]

Let it Be (As You Would Have it Be)

Stacy Davis The Paw Print When we’re little we are told if we love something to set it free, and if it loves us it will come back. So what happens when it doesn’t come back? We’re left sitting on a lonely couch staring out an empty window at a lifeless world wondering why we […]

Male Enrollment Down in U.S. Colleges

Richard Flamm The Paw Print There is a certain complexity at work between the genders in our country. It has been a melting, rearranging canvas, and since the 1950s nothing has been the same. Massive societal gains have been made that enfranchise women, bolster racial integration, and bring us closer to that ever-important vision of […]

The Art of the InstaCram

Reuben Chavira The Paw Print What is it about waiting until the last minute that transforms lethargy into hyperactivity? It’s as if some primal instinct is triggered, some survival mechanism of the mind, becoming a resource for students in distress. It’s a quasi-impressive ability that the general college population possesses. We all know that patience […]

The Heart of La Puente: A Veteran’s Way Home

Weston McConnell The Paw Print I first found out about La Puente 3 years ago when a buddy of mine came as an AmeriCorps member. I had the amazing opportunity of coming out and volunteering for about a month with him.  So in January, 2013 when he texted me that the shelter really needed another […]

Is Our Democracy a Deeply Flawed System?

Corey Daniels The Paw Print Do you believe in suppressing minorities? In a democracy you are supporting this very thing every time you vote. What you are supporting is a system of tyranny by the majority. If 51% of the people vote to violate your rights or take your property and you are on the […]

Simple Steps for Getting Through a Breakup

Jessica Shawcroft The Paw Print Break-ups are tough! They can leave people heartbroken and confused about the relationship or ever dating again. Usually one person comes out on top, while the other feels left in the dirt, kicked on and upset. I thought about ways people can work to get over their past break up. […]

Winter Care is Essential: Here are Some Helpful Tips

Jessica Shawcroft The Paw Print Although it feels like spring, we’re still in the dead of winter. The weather probably took a toll on your skin, hair, face, and anything else you can think of! As spring approaches, we usually feel a breath of fresh air, a burst of energy and that feeling that we […]

Have You Met the AITC?

Stacy Davis The Paw Print I regularly wonder what the response would be if I was to walk up to an Adams State student on campus and ask, “Where can I find the AITC?” My fear is the response would far too often be a blank stare followed by a reluctant, “I’m not sure.” For […] is powered by WordPress µ | Spam prevention powered by Akismet
