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Posts under ‘Commentary’

Everybody Should Just Love Everybody

Noah Schafer The Paw Print I’ve been noticing that people have been getting less and less polite as the years go by. I’m talking on the basis of guys to women and women to guys. Now of days if you are polite to a girl and still have some chivalry, it means you like them. […]

Documentary Ethics: The Varying Levels of Honesty

Stephen Jiron The Paw Print I was able to attend Danny Ledonne’s lecture on Documentary Ethics. His Presentation was three fold. The first section introduced the definition of a documentary and the purpose. So let me just define it really quickly: a documentary is a movie television or radio program that provides a factual record. […]

POET club Wins Best Presentation

Reuben Chavira The Paw Print On October 2nd and 3rd, the POET club travelled to Minnesota to attend an academic conference hosted by the Center for Scholastic Inquiry. Not only were they there to attend, but were also accepted as student presenters, presenting their research on Dynamic Skill Theory and Social Movement in Education. It […]

Colorado: Come Live the Good Life

Alana Dylan The Paw Print A few weeks ago, I promised you information on the Buena Vista area. Not only are Cottonwood Hot Springs and Mt. Princeton Hot Springs near Buena Vista, there are many recreational opportunities as well as a thriving community with museums, restaurants, and shops. Buena Vista is close enough to Alamosa […]

The Adventure of Grocery Shopping in America

Edith Arias  The Paw Print For many Americans, grocery shopping has become a hassle. The long lines, the socializing with people you don’t like, and especially the cost. It’s no wonder people try to avoid a Walmart run whenever possible. Here are the top three reasons grocery shopping downright sucks. 1. Let’s be honest no […]

Presentation of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde at ASU

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is a tale of depravity, lust, love and horror A review by Linda Relyea ALAMOSA (October 2) – It was with high expectations that I sat last night in the Adams State University Main Stage Theatre, preparing to watch the latest production, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, directed by Dr. […]

Colorado: Come Live the Good Life

Mt. Princeton Hot Springs Alana Dylan  The Paw Print Mt. Princeton Hot Springs: Mt. Princeton Hot Springs is an hour and a half north of Alamosa on Highway 285 and just 15 minutes south of Buena Vista. This extensive resort has a plethora of amenities and accommodations. They can easily house large weddings and family […]

Colorado: Come and Live the Good Life

Penny Hot Springs Alana Dylan                                                                                                     […]

The “Mirage” of the Strong German Economy

Steven Petrov                                                                                                           […]

Goodbye Summer, Hello Fall: Popular Trends This Fall

Edith Arias The Paw Print As the warm summer filled days become a distant memory, we now look forward to Fall. Yes, you heard me. Get ready for pumpkin flavored everything! As the seasons change, so do the trends. Here are the most popular trends during the fall season. 1.Pumpkin Spice Lattes: Get ready to […] is powered by WordPress µ | Spam prevention powered by Akismet
